Legend 17: The Same?

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-Leaving the campsite near the river-That evening-
"According to Akio's directions, the Green Dragon is in this area." Yoon said as everyone looked at his map of the kingdom.
"Yes." Akio nodded at where Yoon had pointed out the area that he could sense the Green Dragon was in.
"If we keep going, we'll walk into the capital of Saika and the Crimson Dragon Castle." Hak pointed out with a straight face.
"Yeah, let's go the long way around, along the mountains and check there for the Green Dragon's location." Akio sighed, tightening his grip on his necklace.
"Okay." The group nodded, before they began to walk in the direction of their destination.
"By the way, where's Y/N?" Yona suddenly asked, causing the others to stop and look around.
"I've been meaning to ask the same thing." Kija frowned at the absence of the missing (H/C).
"Oh, she went to the Earth kingdom." Akio nonchalantly stated, letting go of his grip on the necklace.
"Hah!?" The group shouted in shock.
"'All because we're suffering by having to deal with you guys, our business shouldn't suffer as well', is her exact words." Akio said, looking slightly sheepish at having to repeat his twin's harsh words.
"Of course they are." Hak grumbled, looking pissed off as irk marks appeared on his forehead.
I'll make her pay when she returns. The Thunderbeast harshly thought.
"Nevermind that." Yoon sighed, folding up his map. "She'll eventually catch up to us." He told them, though it was obvious that he was worried for the silver eyed merchant as well.
"Right." The others agreed.

-Chishin-Earth Tribe-
"I just know that Geun-tae will just love this new tea!" The blonde beamed as she looked at the small pouch of tea leaves.
"I'm glad, Yuno-chan." Y/N sighed at the over cheerfulness of the Earth Tribe general's wife.
Y/N then yelped as she was suddenly pushed over.
"Oi!" Her eyes narrowed, before softening when she realized who had bumped into her.
"Gomen, Y/N-sama, I wasn't watching where I was going!" The dark haired male repeatedly bowed as Yuno helped Y/N off of the ground.
Y/N huffed, dusting off her clothing of invisible dust, before smiling softly.
"It's fine, Cheol-ran-kun." Y/N said, patting the taller boy's head.
"Though, why're you in such a rush?" The (H/C) then asked, tilting her head in confusion.
Cheol-ran's eyes widened. "Right!" He suddenly grabbed Y/N's wrist and pulled her in the direction that he was heading towards.
Y/N, used to the frantic actions of the general's caretaker, allowed him to pull her away as she simply waved to Yuno, who watched the two leave with a slight laugh.
"Master Geun-tae! Master Geun-tae! Master Geun-tae!" Cheol-ran shouted as he slid the door of the general's room open.
"What? Shut up Cheol-ran." Geun-tae grumbled, fanning himself as Cheol-ran walked in, picking up a white and leopard print robe that had been disgarded on the floor in a messy heap.
"It's still daytime! A general shouldn't be so scruffy and lazy!" Cheol-ran stated, as Y/N casually leaned against the doorframe and watched, this did happen more than once when she and Akio came to trade in the capital of the Earth Tribe, Chishin.
Though, she must admit, it was a bit weird not having Akio by her side.
"I'm me no matter what I wear, and I'm not inconveniencing anybody." Geun-tae grumbled, not seeming to notice Y/N just yet. "Besides, look at the Wind Tribe. Hak and the new kid dress pretty casually." Y/N tensed up at the mention of Hak and the Wind Tribe.
"Well, they can't be helped." Cheol-ran sighed, seeming deflated.
"Geez, the Earth Tribe isn't really exciting these days. I don't see merchants or customers from other countries, and our mineral resources are depleting." Geun-tae groaned, stretching slightly, before suddenly looked excited. "King Junam's era was great! The capital was full of people, and if there was a war, under the flag of Kohka, I would fight off the enemies' attacks like a war god and-" Geun-tae pulled a sword out of nowhere and began to shout, before being abruptly cut off.
"You have no choice. War was prohibited during King Il's era." Y/N cut in, causing Geun-tae to stare at the female with an irritated expression.
"L/N-chan, how nice of you to visit, where's L/N-kun?" He asked, looking forced to say what he did, though he was curious since he never saw the twins seperated before.
"He's off in the markets somewhere, I unfortunately got pulled here." Y/N smoothly lied. "By the way, you stink." She said with a innocent smile.
"Oi!" Geun-tae shouted.
"Besides, you call yourself a war god, but you lost a match against some kid called the Lightning Beast." Cheol-ran sighed, looking out of breath.
Cheol-ran then yelled out in surprise as he was suddenly pulled into a headlock by Geun-tae, causing Y/N to smile at the closeness of the two males.
"You say such nice things, Cheol. You're right! I'm so out of shape, look how week I am!" Geun-tae shouted as he gave the younger male a noogie.
"I'm sorry....I said too much." Cheol-ran whined, trying to get out of the general's grip.
"Master Geun-tae! Master Geun-tae!" One of the other workers in the capital rushed in, looking just as frantic as Cheol-ran did earlier.
"Now what? You want me to shave?" Geun-tae glared at the worker.
"Um, the king...King Su-won is here!" The worker shouted out, causing the three others in the room to pale.

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