Legend 29: Spark

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-One of Keum-ji's ships-Night-
All of the girls were on their knees below the decks of one of the ships. Hands tied behind their backs, and eyes blindfolded, it was almost surprising how calm they all were.
"Ao." Y/N whispered, causing the tiny critter to peak out of her pocket and go to where her wrists were bounded.
Y/N then undid Yoon's hands and helped him take his blindfold off.
"Ready?" The (H/C) smiled as she stared into Yoon's sky blue orbs.
Yoon smirked and nodded, before getting ready on their trap.

____Quick Time Skip___
"We're here to save you." Yona stated as Y/N pulled the passed out guard to the other side of the small space they were placed in.
"Our job is to tell our comrades the location of this ship." Y/N stated, easily flinging the man onto the ground with her dragon-like strength.
"But how are you going to do that? The ships sailed off and we're at sea." The woman from before looked at the three with a sorrow filled gaze.
"We're going to go out onto the deck and set off a firework." Yona answered.
"What?" Some of the girls began to whisper as Y/N stood in between Yoon and Yona.
"It's a small firework, but our comrades will see it. They're at sea, too." Y/N stated, her arms folded over her chest.
"Just wait. We'll make sure we save you." Yona smiled assuringly.
"Let's go." Yoon stated.
"Right." Y/N and Yona nodded, and began to rush towards the latter, before Yona stopped midway in pain.
Y/N paused, being able to catch only a glimpse of Yona's determined expression, before the red haired princess walked right past her.
"She really is something else, isn't she?" Y/N muttered to the woman who had watched Yona walk through her pain. "She makes me want to become strong." And with that, Y/N soon followed the other two up the ladder.
"Wait!" The woman suddenly shouted, before standing up. "It's crawling with officers outside. I'll help you."
The three looked at the woman, surprised.
"My father's a ship carpenter. I know a lot about a ship's structure, so I can show you shortcuts." The woman continued.
"Arigato!" Yona smiled widely.
"But why?" Yoon asked, slightly in conflict with this woman's sudden change.
"It's what you said to us a while back. That when help comes, believe in them and take their hands. I also want to change this town." The woman answered. "We also want to."
The girls nodded in agreement.
Y/N smiled, placing her hands on her hips. "Well it's about time."
"My name is Yuri." The woman introduced.
"I'm Y-...Um, Rina." Yona introduced herself.
"I'm Y/N." Sighed the (H/C).
"Y-yeah, and I'm Yoon. Just don't drag us down." Yoon stuttered with a smile.
"You're kind of a stuck-up." Yuri said, causing Y/N to hide a laugh.
Everyone then looked up as they heard shouting.
"It's started." Y/N stated.

____Quick Time Skip____
The group had put the two guards into a trap. Though, now, Yuri was being held with a sword pressed against her throat.
Y/N saw the different conflicts and thoughts running through Yoon's mind, and she frowned a bit. Her silver orbs then widened as she watched Yoon pull the sheet that he had used as a...ahem...false chest out of his dress.
"These three were just threatened into helping me. Let them go, they have nothing to do with this." Yoon stated.
"A guy!?" The recently reawakened guard shouted.
"I'm actually a pirate that was sent to spy on this ship." Yoon continued.
"A pirate?" The guard holding Yuri whispered.
"Yoon!" Y/N cried out in horror as the other guard suddenly punched said male.
"You little brat! If you're a pirate, then I sure as hell won't show you any mercy!" The guard shouted, before beginning to punch Yoon repeatedly. "Trying to mess with us! I'm gonna beat you to death!"
"No! Yoon!" Y/N began to run towards the blond, but was suddenly stopped by Yoon as he held a hand up to stop her.
"Hold on, hear me out." He weakly stated. "I hid a bomb on this ship's deck." Yoon smirked.
You bastard! What are you doing!? Y/N thought as tears began to fill her eyes.
"A bomb on this deck?!" The guard who was beating Yoon exclaimed.
"It's going to go off soon if you don't stop it." Yoon continued.
"You're bluffing! I saw no such thing on the deck!" One of the guards stated.
"Of course you didn't. Only I know where it is." Yoon smugly stated.
"What should we do?" The guard who had beaten Yoon asked the other.
"Crap! Take these girls downstairs. I'll take him out to the deck." The second guard stated, pushing Yuri into Yona's arms, before going towards Yoon.
"A bomb or not, I'm gonna chop his head off and return it to the pirates."
Why must Humans be so disgusting? Y/N thought as her silver orbs began to glow.
"Y/N." Yona whispered.
"Leave him alone!" Y/N charged at the guard who had grabbed Yoon, but was stopped by the guard who had beaten her friend. "No! Let me go! Let me-" Y/N's glowing eyes dimmed as they locked with Yoon's, which were telling her in his own way he had something planned.
"Wait, no!" Yona began to rush after the two, but was stopped by the same guard who had just dropped Y/N, allowing the young female to drop onto her knees as she watched Yoon and the guard walk out onto the deck.
Yona! Y/N's eyes then landed on the red haired princess as she was thrown against the wall.
Yona then grabbed a bow and some arrows, before rushing onto the deck.
"Stop!" The guard shouted, before being hit in the back of the head with a stick that Yuri had hit him with, causing him to get knocked out.
"Go get them, Y/N-chan." Yuri then nodded towards the deck.
Smiling a bit, Y/N nodded. "Find a safe spot for those other girls, alright?" She questioned, beginning to move to the stairwell.
"Y/N-chan...have you done this before?" Yuri asked, causing Y/N to pause at the first step.
"You mean help someone escape? Sure." Y/N nodded.
"I meant, have you been held hostage before." The (H/C) visibly tensed at the woman's words. "I see." Yuri frowned. "I'll get the girls somewhere safe." She stated, before rushing back to where the other girls were.
Y/N sighed, shaking any memories from her mind, before rushing up to the deck.
As soon as she was on deck, she watched as Yona pulled the tiny firework out of Yoon's dress, making a dash towards where Y/N stood. Seeing that there was a lantern hanging over her head, Y/N instantly understood, though she then began to freak out as Yona suddenly flinched and tripped, her ankle having finally gotten to her.
"Y/N-chan! Hurry!" Yona cried out, tossing the firework at Y/N, who ran and caught it, before running back to the lantern.
Shoot up! The desperate thought ran through the three friends' minds as the fire lit the firework.
"It shot up!" Yona shouted in relief.

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