Legend 4: You Again!?

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-Abandoned Trail-4 Days Later-
"He's late." Y/N muttered, an irk mark on her forehead as she stood beside Akio.
"It's fine Y/N, he probably got stuck with Ik-Su-san, so just calm down." Akio stretched, sitting on the ground in a relaxed manner.
"He's never two days late, though, Akio." Y/N scowled.
Sighing, the (H/C) female grabbed her bag. "Come on, better go make sure the poor fools are still alive." she stated, walking off of the practically abandoned trail and into the forest.
"W-wait, Y/N!" Akio called out, quickly picking up the two bags he was carrying and running after the shorter female.
Finally approaching the small hut, Y/N noticed the dress-like outfit of the person she was looking for. Dropping her bag, the (H/C) female ran towards the person. "Yoon-kun!" she yelled, kicking the basket that he was carrying, and karate chopping his head.
"Baka! How dare you leave us waiting for two days straight while you're here making food!" Y/N angrily yelled, as the sandy blond haired male rubbed his sore head and glared back at the female.
"Hah!?" a sudden yell caused the two to stop their glaring contest, and Y/N's eyes widened as she stared at the two familiar people.
"Y-You again!?" Hak shouted, pointing his finger at Y/N and Akio, who had just walked up to the scene carrying the bag Y/N had disgarded.
"Are you both following us?" Hak squinted at the twins.
"Don't be full of yourself Komoi-kun." Y/N puffed out her cheeks in a cute pout and crossed her arms over her chest. "We just so happened to be trading buddies with your host."
"I'm not a host! They're just staying here until the big guy is healed!" Yoon defended himself.
"Huh?" Y/N blinked, then noticed the bandages that covered Hak. "What the hell did you do to yourself?" Y/N growled, poking the poor male's side as he flinched.
"They fell from a cliff." Yoon answered.
"What were you two doing on a cliff?" Akio smiled awkwardly as he sweatdropped.
"We were attacked by the Fire Tribe." Yona spoke up.
"Really?" Akio questioned, obviously surprised.
Y/N sighed, and picked up the three bags. "Well it's a good thing we got here when we did then, I brought some herbs you can use on Komoi-kun." Y/N stated, opening one of the bags and pulling out a few baskets filled with varieties of plants.
"I also brought a new coat for Ik-Su-San, where is he anyways?" Akio stated as he pulled out a clean, white coat.
"Who knows, he disappeared some time in the night. Though, now that I think about it, we should probably find him." Yoon sighed, picking up the basket that had been knocked out of his hands, and was caught by Hak, who had eaten what was left in it.
"Let's split up." Akio suggested.

____Quick Time Skip____
"Have you guys found him?" Yoon asked as the four of them met back up.
"No, and I'm guessing you guys haven't either." Y/N sighed as Hak and Yoon shook their heads.
"Where's Yona-hime?" Akio asked, glancing around.
"She went to check the waterfall, maybe that's where the stupid priest is." Yoon stated.
The four then walked to the waterfall, stopping when they saw Yona speaking with Ik-Su.
"If you wish to live an honest life and cannot stop the hot blood in your veins, I will convey the voice of God to you." Ik-Su said, obviously speaking to Yona, as if he didn't know that the others were now there as well.
Ik-Su then put his hands together, as if about to pray, and began to speak once again. "When darkness falls upon the land, the dragons' blood will restore life once more. In accordance to the ancient pact, when the five are gathered, the sword and the shield that protect the king will awaken. The red dragon will return at dawn." It was quiet for a minute, and the five watched as Ik-Su suddenly tipped over, looking exhausted.
"Geez..." Akio sighed loudly.
"Conveying God's voice requires spirtitual strength..." Ik-Su stated.
"Quit acting so old, you pain." Yoon said, poking the poor clumsy priest.
"I don't know what this buisness is about dragons or gods, but I'm not buying anything that this crackpot is selling." Hak stated, earning a wack on his head from Y/N.
"He's not selling anything." both Y/N and Yoon spoke in sync as they scowled.
"Does the 'red dragon' in the prophecy mean the mythological king?" Yona questioned as Yoon and Akio helped dust off Ik-Su.
"You're familiar with the kingdom's creation myth?" Ik-Su questioned, sounding surprised.
Yona smiled and nodded. "The red dragon god took on human form, descending from heaven to rule a kingdom on earth. He was the first king of Kouka, King Hiryuu. My father used to tell me about him all the time." Yona said, and Y/N could sense the sadness in the princess's voice as she spoke of her father.

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