Legend 19: Still the Enemy

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-Chishin-Earth Tribe-Saturday-
"Oh my, Y/N-chan, you look absolutely beautiful!" Yuno gushed as she looked at Y/N.
"Y-Yuno-chan." Y/N blushed in embarrasement and tugging at the long sleeves of the outfit she was wearing.
For the festival, Y/N decided to wear a Kimono, and of course Yuno instantly jumped on the chance to dress up her way younger friend.
So, after much fuss, Y/N was dressed up in a golden kimono with (F/C) flowers near the (F/C) sash, cuffs, and from her thighs to her feet.

 So, after much fuss, Y/N was dressed up in a golden kimono with (F/C) flowers near the (F/C) sash, cuffs, and from her thighs to her feet

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"I can't wait to see Su-Won-san's reaction." Yuno suddenly smirked, and without Y/N's will, tugged the (H/C) out of the Earth Tribe palace and towards the area that the festival was being held.
"Guen-tae!" Yuno excitedly shouted as the two females rushed into the tent the Su-Won and General Guen-tae were staying in.
"Huh? Oh, Yuno." Guen-tae said with an almost bored expression.
"Oh my gosh! You're super, super, super kawaii!" Yuno exclaimed as she covered her mouth and sparkles surronded her.
"'Kawaii' is not a word you should use to describe me." Guen-tae stated with an annoyed expression.
"I picked that outfit!" Yuno pouted, though also boasted about being the one to pick her husband's clothing.
"It was you?!" Guen-tae suddenly pulling his wife into a headlock. "Take this, and that!" He stated as he gave Yuno a nuggie.
"Oh, noooo!" Yuno whined as her hair got messed up, and Y/N stifled a laugh behind her hand.
A cough then caused the three to glance over at the blond king.
"Um, Your Majesty...This is my wife, Yu-" Guen-tae began to introduce, before being cut off.
"Hello, Yuno-san." Su-Won greeted the blonde.
"Oh my! You're cute too Your Majesty! Don't you think so, Y/N-chan?" Yuno cheered as she was suddenly by Su-Won's side.
"Huh? Oh, uh, sure, I guess...." Y/N drifted off in surprise by the sudden question.
"Why do you know each other?!" Guen-tae shouted in surprise.
"His Majesty liked my tea, so now we're good tea-drinking buddies. Right?" Yuno smiled hopefully at Su-Won, who nodded happily in reply.
"I didn't even notice...." Guen-tae mumbled.
"It's because you left His Majesty unattended for a week, Master Guen-tae." Y/N and Cheol-ran said in sync.
"The sound of festival music, the voices of our clan, a pretend-war by people who forgot about wars living in a kingdom with dark sadows creeping near. Now isn't the time for this." Guen-tae sighed as he glanced at the 'battlefield'.

-Next Day, because you can just watch episode 16 and I'm lazy-
Soon after Su-Won's plate broke, General Geun-tae's plate was finally broken, wiping out the red team. But the general put up a great battle at the end! He took down four nobles with him, surpassing the white team in points and leading the red team to victory. We celebtrated the miraculous victory all night long at the capital of Chishin.
"Ah, it was such a fun festival." Su-Won cheered with a closed eye smile.
Geun-tae let out a loud sigh, causing the others to look at the bored man.
"What's wrong, General Guen-tae?" Y/N questioned, though her tone made it sound like she didn't care.
"What are you mad about?" Cheol-ran asked.
"What exactly did you come here for, Your Majesty? All you did was walk around the Chishin Castle, drink tea with my wife, and have fun at the festival." Geun-tae stated, obviously annoyed.
"General Geun-tae, you're starting to sound like General Ju-do." Su-Won smiled.
"Don't lump me in with him!" Ju-do shouted.
Y/N rolled her eyes, before staring straight at Su-Won.
Though, that really is the question, isn't it? I know he says he wants to help, but seeing him out there on the battlefield, and when he admitted to killing King Il and running Yona-hime out of the castle...I thought he was the same as when we were kids, but, was I wrong?
"Geun-tae! Geun-tae!" Everyone glanced at the entry of the garden and saw the familiar cheerful blonde rush in. "Listen, listen, it's great!" She exclaimed.
"What?" Geun-tae questioned, putting all of his attention on his wife.
"Khai Empire's merchants want to buy my tea!" Yuno exclaimed cheerfully.
"Eh!? Khai Empire, really?!" Y/N asked in shock.
It was especially hard for the L/N twins to trade with other Tribes, let alone other empires.
"Tea? This stinky tea?" Geun-tae questioned as he held up the cup of tea that he had been drinking.
"It's not stinky! It has a floral scent!" Yuno pouted while demanding her statement.
"They said floral-scented teas are very popular at the Khai Empire." She then added happily.
"Seriously?!" Geun-tae questioned in shock.
"But what should I do? My tea garden is too small to do business with them." Yuno pouted.
"It'll be fine. You can gradually expand." Y/N gently smiled at her friend.
"Right. Don't sell a lot for less. If you sell it as Chishin's local luxuy tea, you can attract people to this area. The harder it is to acquire something, the stronger people desire it." Su-Won added, slightly surprising Y/N with how much he knew about trade.
"Right, Your Majesty!" Yuno happily agreed.
"Master Guen-tae, the Udo Mine!" Suddenly, one of the Earth Tribe elders rushed towards the group.
"Old man Hui-dae, another rock falling?" Geun-tae questioned.
"No, that's not it. We don't have enough manpower, and it's hectic!" The elder explained while shaking his head.
"Hectic?" Geun-tae looked even more confused.
"You know that stone you wore at the mock battle? Orders for that are rushing in." The elder explained.
"Huh? No way, it isn't even that shiny." Geun-tae sighed, looking doubtful.
"That's why no one thought it was valuable. But when we had the craftsmen polish it, it turned out quite beautiful. And more than anything, it's a victory stone you wore when you won. Of course everyone's gonna want it." The elder explained, before grinning and holding up his wrist, where there was a bracelet of the gems. "By the way, I already got mine."
"What's an old man gonna do with that?" Geun-tae rediculued.
"Looks cool, no?" The elder questioned, oblivious to Geun-tae's harsh words.
"My, the tea was delicious." Su-won's voice caused Y/N to look away from the caous about to erupt.
"General Ju-do, shall we go now?" Su-Won glanced at the Sky Tribe's general.
Y/N's eyed widened.

___Quick Time Skip___
"Su-Won!" Y/N shouted, rushing towards the stables as her satchel bounced against her hip.
"Hmm..? Oh, Y/N-chan, I was hoping to run into you before we parted ways." Su-Won smiled as Y/N finally stopped infront of him.
"You're leaving so soon?" Y/N frowned.
"Hai, I've got places to be, and you've got to get back to Akio and Hak." Su-Won smiled kindly.
"Yes, I do, but-Wait, w-what?" Y/N's eyes widened as she instantly covered her mouth as Su-Won's teal gaze harshened.
"I'm not some idiot, Y/N, just like you're not innocent. I made sure rumors of King Il's death dissipated long ago, so for you to bring up such rumors already tipped me off." Su-Won stated, standing infront of the (H/C), grabbing her chin and forcing her to look up at him.
"I know you're not going to speak of our little meeting, but I want to make sure that you know what you're getting yourself into with joining Hak's rebellion against me." He coldly stated, causing Y/N's eyes to narrow.
"I know exactly what I'm getting into, your highness, I'm just afraid that you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Hak's rebellion is slowly growing, and eventually, our team will be powerful enough to take you down. It's the least we can do to avenge Yona-hime's death." Y/N stated, before slapping Su-Won and easily getting out of the male's grip.
"I wish I could say that it was nice seeing you again, but it really wasn't, because you will be my enemy, and Akio's enemy, from this day forward." Y/N stated coldly, before running away as quickly as she could.
Once in the woods, and making sure no one was around, Y/N took her cloak off and shoved it into her satchel, before taking towards the sky.

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