Legend 26: A Dragon's Tears

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-Gi-gang's Ship-Night-
Y/N had never felt so useful in her life before, that was for sure.
Not only would she be able to use her powers, along with protecting her master, but her plan was accepted! Even though her comrads might not have agreed to it...
"Thank you, Auntie Gi-gang." Y/N bowed, standing in front of the silver haired woman, who was leaning against one of the planks of the ship.
"For what?" Gi-gang questioned, closing her eyes as her face was turned down to the ship's deck.
"For accepting my request, of course." Y/N said, a natural smile on her face.
"I just thought we needed that for our strategy." Gi-gang admitted. "The captured girls probably have lost hope from fear, so ya gotta protect them."
"Aw, come on, Auntie Gi-gang, I know how you are." Y/N laughed softly, in hopes not to wake the crew that was asleep underboard. "I'll be safe, you know that, don't you?" She tilted her head.
Gi-gang sighed, moving so that she was standing in front of Y/N now. With her pipe down, Gi-gang put both of her hands on Y/N's shoulders, locking their eyes with each other.
"This fight will cost us. I've been askin' them to do the impossible, I've been askin' ya to do the impossible as well. It ain't easy defeatin' someone without killin'." Gi-gang spoke seriously, though she looked worried.
Y/N continued to calmly smile, placing her hands on the older woman's forearms. "I know, but I've been trained by the best all my life. I shall be fine, we all will. I promise you, Captain."
"Since we've first met, I thought of ya as my daughter." Y/N looked at Gi-gang surprised.
She had always thought of this woman as her mother, she had even admitted it out loud many times, but never had she imagined that Gi-gang thought of her as a daughter.
"Therefore, I forbid ya to die without my permission." Tears filled Y/N's eyes, as she nodded in agreement.
"Come on, Auntie Gi-gang, you know me, I'm always one jump ahead." Y/N said, rubbing away the tears.
Gi-gang smiled a bit and pulled Y/N into a hug, and not surprising, Y/N hugged back.

___Quick Time Skip___
Y/N decided to take a walk, since she couldn't fall asleep.
Clutching onto her cloak, Y/N looked ahead, noticing a familiar blue clad male.
Turning her gaze away from Hak, not wanting to get into a fight like they had during a very awkward dinner, she continued to walk, only to feel hands on her shoulders and her back pressed against the rocky cliff.
"Kimoi-kun, let me-" Y/N began to speak, before drifting off as she stared into Hak's ocean blue orbs causing the words to get stuck in her throat.
He looks serious...and pained... She thought, her own silver orbs softening.
"What can I do to stop you?" Hak finally asked after a moment of silence between the two. "Do you understand how dangerous it is to go to Keum-ji's place?"
Y/N's gaze hardened once again as she glared at him. "I'm not some weak child, I know what I'm doing, Hak!" She stated, only to stop when Hak pulled her into a hug.
"Sometimes, you make me want to tie you down." Hak whispered.
Y/N's eyes widened. "G-get off of me, Hak!" Y/N struggled, tears filling her eyes. "I'm not that same kid anymore, I'm not scared of what people think of me, it only matters of what I know I am. Please, please believe in me, Hak. Even if you don't, I just need something to keep me sane..." She whispered, clutching onto Hak's sleeves as her tears rolled down her cheeks.
"When you were gone for that one week, who did you meet?" Y/N's grip tightened as she was asked that simple question.
"Lots of people, merchants mainly." She stated, trying to stop her tears, though the only thing that did was cause them to slow down.
"Y/N, don't lie to me." Y/N's silver orbs widened as they saw the teal gym that reflected the light of the moon.
"Where did you get-" She began, before scowling. "Did you go through my bag!?" She shouted, pushing Hak away from her.
"No, Yoon did, and this fell out. This is from the mines in the Earth Tribe, but only one person I know would be creative enough to shine those useless rocks." Hak stated.
"Fine, if you wanna know so badly, I met up with Su-Won." Y/N stated, her hands clenched into fists.
"And yes, I had fun, is that a crime now?" She asked harshly, suddenly snatching the gem from Hak. "If it makes you feel any better, Su-Won thinks that Yona is dead, as well I hate him even more than when I found out he betrayed Yona." She stated with a dark look in her eyes.
"Don't try to stop me, nor Yona. We're not fragile little girls anymore, Hak." She stated, before running back towards the ship.

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