Legend 12: The Real Search for the Blue Dragon

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___Quick Time Skip____
"Insects?! You eat insects!?"
Y/N sighed, shaking her head as she ate another mouthful of the 'wild plants' that Yoon had cooked, listening in on the conversation as she leaned against the same tree that Hak was propped against while he was unconscious.
"Princess, are you fine with this kind of meal?" Kija questioned Yona.
"I haven't gotten used to insects yet, but I've mostly gotten used to it." Yona replied. "After all, I didn't have time to be choosy." She added, quite glumly might I add.
"Though, ever since Yoon and Y/N had been with us, the food has gotten a lot tastier."
Y/N hid a laugh as she saw the gleeful look on Yoon's face.
"My food was what?" Y/N jumped, slightly startled by the suddenly added voice.
"Hak, you're up." Yona stated the obvious.
"I won't let that go." Hak stated.
"Is your wound OK?" Akio questioned with a slight smile.
"Wound? What wound?" Hak bluntly asked. "Anyways, what did you say about my food?" Hak turned to look at Yona.
"Food? What food? Oh, are you hungry?" Yona questioned, causing Y/N to chuckle softly.
"You've gotten better at deflecting, I blame Kusogaki-chan." Y/N glared at Hak.
"Can you move? Should I feed you?" Yona smiled falsely, obviously trying to dodge the complaint she had made about the ex-general's food.
"Here, open wide." Yona said, holding up a spoon of the soup Yoon had made.
Y/N smirked and took the spoon from Yona when Hak opened his mouth and closed his eyes, and she forcefully fed him instead.
"Stupid Kusogaki-chan, we were having a moment." Hak scowled.
"Hai hai, I know, that's why I did that. Payback for calling me unpleasant, Kimoi-kun~" Y/N stated with a closed eye smile.
"Okay, since we're done eating, let's talk about the Blue Dragon's location." Yoon cut into the fight between the two. "Akio, do you feel his presence?" Yoon glanced at the silver haired male.
"Hmm..." Akio closed his (E/C) orbs, before nodding. "Yes, in that direction." He said, pointing in a direction.
"Right, thanks a lot for your help." Yoon said.
"Is there a village for the Blue Dragon like there was for yours? Or is he alone?" Yoon then asked, looking at Kija now.
The white haired male ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm not quite sure. According to the intel from my people around the kingdom, the Blue Dragon clan used to live in hiding in the Earth clan's territory. However, one day the Blue Dragon's village disappeared into thin air and the clan went missing." He explained.
"Disappeared? But they didn't perish, right?" Yoon looked confused.
"If I close my eyes, I feel the Blue Dragon's heartbeat for sure." Kija stated.
"The Blue Dragon clan probably moved the whole village somewhere." Y/N spoke up. "It's the only obvious possibility."
"Akio is pointing northeast, towards the Fire clan's territory. There are about six places that could have villages." Yoon sighed.
"Yoon, have you been there?" Yona asked the male curiously.
"No, but these areas have large towns after Saika, and here are merchants sale routes and second houses for noblemen. So that narrows it down to six other areas that are discreet with no traffic." Yoon explained, pointing out the areas on the map that he had.
"Wow! Yoon, you really do know everything!" Y/N exclaimed as she patted her best friend's head.
"Stop treating me like a kid, you're only a year older than me." Yoon blushed, looking away from the group, as Akio smirked slightly.
"Okay guys! Starting tomorrow, our Blue-Dragon-hunt will start for real! So goodnight." Y/N smiled, before pulling Akio down with her against a tree trunk and both curling up with their cloaks covering them.
"Goodnight...Wait, here?!" Kija's eyes widened.
"Goodnight." Yoon and Yona said in sync.
"H-hold it! Wait!"
"Shut up, White Snake."

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