Legend 9: Insert the White Dragon!

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-White Dragon Clan-30 minutes later-
Y/N stood beside Akio, watching the white haired male slowly wake up.
"White Dragon?" Yona questioned in concern, causing the white haired male to instantly sit up.
"Yes, I have inherited the ancient Dragon's blood." he said, then bowed. "I have been waiting for you, my master!" he stated.
"Master? What are you talking about?" Yona asked, before glancing around and seeing the rest of the villagers were bowing as well.
"Congratulations White Dragon! Our king has finally arrived!" The elder man from before shouted, tears of joy running down his face.
"King?" Yona questioned in suprise.
"They think you're the King Hiryuu." Akio explained.
"My master." Yona tensed up at the White Dragon's words. "Please tell me your name."
"Yona." the red head answered.
"Yona-sama." The White Dragon smiled.
"You're beautiful." Yona commented, leaning towards the male, who seemed to freak out at the comment.
"N-Not at all! You look far more devine." He blushed, causing Yona to look proud, which made Y/N hide a laugh.
"But, I'm not your king or master. I am a scoundrel who seeks the power of the gods to protect herself and her friends." Yona frowned.
"Hey! Don't tell him that." Yoon spoke up.
"I am traveling to aquire the other three dragons as well." Yona stated, seeming unaffected by Yoon's warning. "I ask that you grant me your power first." She smiled. "Would that be alright?"
Y/N looked at Yona with admiration, before glancing at the White Dragon to see what his response was.
The male looked surprised at first, before grinning. "There is no greater honor. No matter who you are or what your goals, I am now your Dragon. That is what the blood inside of me says."
"How cliché." Y/N muttered, as Akio chuckled.
"Elder, I will be leaving now with my master." The White Dragon stated.
"Hold on!" Y/N sidestepped the elder woman who came rushing in. "We must throw a banquet first!" she shouted, before leaning close to Yona, and then bowing. "Red-haired King, we have been awaiting you. Your beautiful blazing red hair, wise and lovely eyes, and smooth skin....I regret that you do not have these things."
Y/N and Akio clutched their stomachs as they began to laugh.
"O-Oi!" Yona glared at the two.
"Gomen Yona-hime." Y/N laughed out, covering her mouth to hide her growing grin. "She just reminds us a lot of our grandfather, ne, Akio?"
"Defiantly!" Akio smiled widely as he nodded.

___Quick Time Skip___
"Knock knock." Y/N said as she knocked on the doorframe, before entering the room.
"H-How dare you come in here again, you insolent woman!" The White Dragon shouted.
Y/N scowled, puffing out her cheeks in a childish pout, before holding up a first aid that was given to her. "Well this 'insolent woman' is about to help you out." She stated, before kneeling beside him and opening the first aid.
"You're not like other girls." The white haired male observed as she pulled out a creme for burns and gently put it over the burn marks on his claw-like hand.
"You could say that, though Yona-hime isn't like other girls either." Y/N said as she applied the creme to the wounds.
"Your aura, it's much like that silver haired male's." He commented.
"That's because me and him are twins." Y/N replied, beginning to put the stuff back into the kit once finished. "What's your name, by the way? It's not just White Dragon, is it?" She tilted her head curiously.
"My name's Kija." he answered, almost shyly.
Before Y/N could reply, the sound of a knock was heard, causing the two to glance at the doorway.
"Oh, Komoi-kun." Y/N sighed with her blank expression.
"How dare you enter the White Dragon's dwelling without permission!?" Kija shouted.
"Yeah, sorry." Hak said, though he obviously wasn't, as he looked around.
"What're you doing?" Kija questioned.
"I came to get some things that might help us on our journey. Do you have anything?" Hak glanced at the White Dragon.
Y/N scowled as she watched the exchange.
"Here." Kija held out a bag of what sounded like coins.
"You're so generous White Dragon!" Hak exclaimed as he looked at all the gold coins in the bag, causing Y/N to roll her eyes.
"Take this and leave the village." Kija stated, making Y/N tense up. "I appreciate your efforts up to this point, but I will protect the princess from now on, so you can leave."
"This isn't going to be good..." Y/N mumbled.

~Akio's POV~
I stood beside Yona-hime and Yoon-kun as we waited for the other three to come out of the tower.
"Oh, here they come." Yoon-kun said, and as soon as I turned to look at the tower, I frowned as I saw the tension growing between the White Dragon and Hak-San, with Y/N trailing close behind and looking a bit uncomfortable.
"What's wrong?" Yona-hime asked as we walked towards them.
"Princess, we can't use him, let's go find someone else." Hak stated as I walked to my sister's side.
"What the hell happened in there?" I whispered to Y/N.
"Kija tried to give money to Hak to make him leave Yona-hime alone." She told me.
I looked at her surprised. Kija...?
"And what's that bulge on your stomach?" Yoon-kun questioned.
"Maybe I'm getting fat." Hak-San replied, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Protecting the princess is the duty of the four dragons! Those of us who are not dragons should leave!" The White Dragon exclaimed.
"No! Hak is my childhood friend. Since I left the castle and ended up alone he hasn't abandoned me. He's important to me. I want Hak with me!" Yona-hime exclaimed, standing up for the cruel black haired male.
I could feel something boil within me, but I fought it back and glanced at Y/N. "What should we do?"

~Normal POV~
Y/N sighed, but before she could answer her brother, she paled when she heard a really creepy laugh.
"Well, you know, that's that." Hak smirked, obviously really happy.
"We'll be returning this, then." Y/N stated, taking the money from Hak and handing it over to Kija.
"But, I need you too. Otherwise, Hak will die protecting me." Yona explained. "I want you to protect Hak so that he won't die."
"I see. That's how it is? You sought my help because he is weak? Leave it to me, I'll protect you and this man." Kija promised.
Y/N and Akio looked at each other with a slight grin, knowing that Hak wouldn't take that well.
"I haven't fallen so low to be protected by a White Snake." Hak growled.
"White Snake!?" Kija glared at Hak.
"This is gonna be such a pain." Yoon sighed.

-Leaving the White Dragon Clan-Next Morning-
"Which way should we go now, Yoon?" Hak asked as the six stood at a road that led to two different ones.
"I'm not sure, Ik-su only told us about this destination." Yoon sighed, obviously trying not to cry over earlier's mishap.
"You're looking for the other three dragons, correct?" Kija questioned.
"Hai." Yona nodded.
"I can detect those who have the power of the dragons." Kija told her.
"Really!?" Yona asked in awe.
Kija nodded. "Though the link is faint, the four dragons are like siblings. Since ancient times, our blood has called out to one another across great distances." He explained.
"How convienent!" Yona excitedly stated.
"Convienent?" Kija paled.
"Well, we'll just start by heading down the mountain." Hak stated, beginning to take the left path.
"Very well." Y/N agreed as she followed with Akio close behind.

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