Legend 20: Running into a Pirate

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-Abanoned Shack-Two Days later-
The group -Yona, the three Dragon males, Yoon, and Hak- were all resting in an abandoned shack along the road that they had been traveling on.
So far, they had rarely run into anyone, other than maybe a lonely merchant who didn't even spare them a second glance.
A loud snap outside had awoken the red haired princess, who sat up with a jolt and looked around with with wide violet orbs.
Seeing that the others were still asleep, the female reached over to the nearest male.
"Akio..." Yona whispered as she shook the sleeping silver haired male.
"Hmm..? What's the matter Princess?" Akio covered his mouth as he yawned, then stared at the red haired female with a sleepy (E/C) gaze.
"I think someone is outside." Yona told him in a whisper.
"That's redic-" Akio began to speak, before the loud sound of creaking on the front steps of the shack could be heard, instantly awakening the others as well.
"W-What's that?" Kija questioned, holding onto Shin-ah's sleeve as everyone stared at the entrance of the shack with wide eyes.
Slowly the door creaked open, followed by the sound of a loud clang.
"O-Oi! Who the hell threw the pan at me!?" A familiar voice shouted.
"Y/N?!" Everyone asked in sync.

____Quick Time Skip___
The group were huddled around a lit lantern in the shack, with Y/N holding a rag to her forehead as she glared menacingly at Yoon.
"It's been a week, what took you so long, Y/N?" Akio questioned as he stared at his younger sister.
"Aha, it's a funny thing actually." Y/N awkwardly laughed as she rubbed the back of her neck. "The Earth Tribe were hosting a carnival, and Yuno-chan talked me into staying till the end of it." She said.
"The Earth Tribe had a carnival?" Hak questioned, knowing how boring the Earth Tribe usually was.
Y/N nodded quickly.
"Hai. A lot of things happened, actually, but nothing really important that would be beneficial for our journey." Y/N stated, her nervous expression suddenly changing back to her blank one.
All of the males, other than Shin-ah, sighed at this.
"Y/N-chan, how did you find us?" Yona suddenly questioned.
Y/N blinked, before pointing at Akio.
"Let me guess, a Twin thing?" Kija asked, his eyes glittering in fascination at the supposed 'Twin bond' that the siblings had.
"I guess you could say that." Akio shrugged his shoulders.
"Well we should be getting to sleep, I'm guessing we have yet to find the Green Dragon." The (H/C) female said, glancing over the familiar faces in the shack.
"She's right, we need rest." Hak agreed.
"Of course I'm right." Y/N huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she silently sulked.

-Port Awa-Two weeks later-
After Y/N had rejoined the group they had walked and rested, rested and walked, for days. And finally...

"Wow! A port town!" Yona exclaimed in awe.
"Akio! Hey, is that the ocean? It's so pretty! This is my first time seeing it!" The red haired female exclaimed, gripping onto Akio's sleeve in excitement.
Shin-ah, Yoon, and Kija, who had also not seen the ocean before, stared at the vast water source in awe.
"Port Awa, territory of the Earth Tribe. Never thought I'd come here again." Hak grumbled as he stared at the port.
"Have you been here before?" Akio questioned in curiosity.
"A long time ago, the old man brought me here." Hak sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
Y/N perked up at Hak's 'nickname' of Mundeok.
"Akio, is the Green Dragon here?" Yona then questioned the silver haired male.
"Well, he seems to be rapidly changing his position, and..." Akio began to drift off, looking dizzy.
"Ah! Akio!" Y/N and Yona exclaimed in both surprise and worry.
"So Dragons' powers aren't unlimited, huh? If you push your limits, it really drains you." Yoon sighed.
"We want to find the Green Dragon, too, but we're tired from the long trip, and I'd like to go get some food supplies." The young boy said, cupping his chin with the palm of his hand.
"Okay! Let's go to the port!" Yona exclaimed.
"We aren't going! I'm not taking you guys! Especially you, with the mask!" Yoon shouted in frustration.
Y/N watched as Shin-ah sulked, and Kija patted the Blue Dragon's back, causing her to hide her amusemet.
"Then I'll go. I kinda remember the way around the port." Hak volunteered.
Just as the blue clothed male began to walk away, he stopped when there was a tug on his sleeve.
"Hak. I want to go too." Yona stated, looking up at him with wide, violet eyes.
Hak stood still, before leaning close to Yona.
"Princess, you've gotten ugly recently." He commented.
"What?!" Yona paled and an irkmark appeared on her forehead.
"Kimoi-kun!" A fire began to blaze behind Y/N.
"You! How dare you say such thing!" Akio cried out, before turning to Yona. "Princess, you are b-b-beautiful..." The silver haired male drifted off, before shuffling behind Y/N, a dark blush covering the male's cheeks.
"Bags under your eyes, scratched up hands...You're trying too hard. You need to rest a little." Hak, ignoring Akio and Y/N, continued to speak to Yona.
The fire died down behind Y/N as she stared at Hak with surprise. He really does care for Yona-hime. She thought.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Yona pouted, though she knew not to fight against Hak.
"Make sure you're extra careful. Don't cause any trouble." Yoon told Hak, sounding a lot like a mother in Y/N's perspective.
Hak nodded in agreement. "You guys stay hidden, too." He ordered.  "Ah, I'll leave this here. It stands out too much." He then added, tossing his spear-like weapon.
"So heavy!" Yoon grunted as he caught the weapon.
"And White Snake-"
"There is not a thing I need to be asked by you!" Kija shouted, pointing accusingly at Hak as himself and the other three Dragon descendants circled Yona protectively.
"Hak! Come back soon, okay?" Y/N said in a worried tone.
Hak, looking surprised, nodded slightly, before he turned and began to walk away. Oblivious to the smirk that crossed Y/N's lips when she saw the pink that dusted the male's cheeks.
"You're going to follow him, aren't you?" Akio questioned, leaning his arm over his twin's shoulder.
"But of course." Y/N nodded.

____Quick Time Skip___
Y/N, as mentioned before, was following Hak.
Though, to avoid any attention, she walked upon the rooves of the Port's buildings.
"Hey, mister, why don't you stop by?" A pretty girl popped out of nowhere and stood behind Hak with a gleeful expression.
"After all, I have to get back soon!" Hak exclaimed, looking really happy and causing Y/N to hide her amused laugh.
Continuing to follow Hak, Y/N couldn't help but to notice something.
The people's eyes...they seem a little lifeless.
"N-No! Stop please!" The sound of a female's cries caused Y/N to snap out of her thoughts.
Narrowing her silver orbs, Y/N instantly followed the source of the screams.
"What? We're the officers of Awa. I'm telling you, name your price and we'll buy you. It's not a bad deal." When Y/N finally got to the place, she was standing right over Hak. She glared at the sight she saw.
Two men, dressed in officer uniforms, were gripping onto a female.
"Please, no! Let me go!" The female shouted.
Looking around, Y/N growled lowly as she noticed that everyone was simply walking by the scene, or had their backs to it.
If there's nothing more that I hate, it'd be people who act like there's nothing happening! Y/N thought, a dangerous glint in her eyes. I wish I could do something, but then it'd give my position away to Hak. As well...
A flashback ran through her mind of Akio telling her to be double careful, for reasons that were similar to what was happening to this woman.
Screw it!
As if in sync, Y/N, Hak, and an unknown man kicked/punched one of the officers.
"Crap, now I've done it." Hak growled, looking upset with himself.
"They couldn't flirt elegantly, so it couldn't be helped." The unknown man said.
"If you think you can get a lady in bed this way, then you have another thing coming." Y/N growled at the knocked out officer.
The three then paused and glanced at eachother. "Hm?"
"W-who are you?! You think you can get away with this?!" The other officer shouted.
The officer then pulled out a sword and came running at the trio.
Hak hit the knife out of the officer's hand, while the unknown man kicked the officer in the gut. Y/N then kicked the officer in the face, sending him to the ground in a heap of pain.
"Not only were you rough with a lady, but you're mad at us?" The unknown man questioned, a dangerous glint in his dark purple eyes. "Come back when you learn what 'beauty' is."
"What's going on?!" Two more guards shouted, before starting to run in their direction.
"Crap." Y/N muttered.
"Oops, come on! We need to run!" The unknown man then began to pull the female who was being assaulted in the opposite direction. Y/N and Hak quickly followed.
"Stop!" The officers shouted as the group turned a corner.
Hak rolled his eyes and elbowed one of the closer officers in the face, surprising the other two who had been following.
The unknown man whistled.
"Are you a soldier? You seem awfully in shape."
"No, I'm just a traveler." Hak replied casually. "What about you? The way you carry yourself, you're no ordinary person." He questioned.
"What? I'm extraordinarily beautiful?" Sparkles surrounded the unknown man's background.
"Boys, this is not a time to flirt!" Y/N exclaimed.

___Quick Time Skip___
"Looks like we lost them." Y/N sighed.
"Sorry, I wish I could stay a little longer with you, but I have to go." The unknown man said, kissing the female's hand and then winking at Y/N.
"What?" Y/N deadpanned while the female, we'll name her Tetsuna, blushed.
"Have this man walk you home now." The green haired flirt smiled.
"Hey, hold on now. I don't know much about this place-" Hak paused when he noticed the two missing figures.
"They're...gone." Hak sighed.

"Wait a minute!" Y/N shouted, landing right behind the green haired man.
"Oh~? Couldn't get enough of me, hmm...?" The green haired man, who was beyond shocked that this girl had caught up to him, hid it well with a teasing grin.
An uncharacteristic blush covered Y/N's cheeks.
"N-No! That's not it at all!" She exclaimed, causing the green haired man to laugh.
"Green Dragon." The man instantly stopped laughing, and his eyes narrowed into a glare.
"Who are you?" He dangerously questioned, walking towards Y/N.
"I'm L/N Y/N. I've come here with the White and Blue Dragon, to get you to join us." She said, tensing up at the closeness of the male.
"Hmm..." The green haired man tapped his chin. "Not interested!" He smiled.
"Hah?!" Y/N glared at him.
"Like I said, not interested." He repeated.
Y/N huffed.
"Well then, what's your name?" Y/N asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Don't tell me you've got a crush on me already, Rini-chan~" (Rini: Little bunny) The man teased, causing another blush to flame upon the female's cheeks. He smirked. "Jeaha." He winked, before jumping onto a nearby-
"Pirate ship...?"

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