Legend 21: Bad Hak

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-Abandoned Shack-Night-
"What do you mean you didn't buy anything?" Akio deadpanned.
"Jeez, you're worthless! What did you go there for?!" Yoon shouted at Hak, before suddenly turning to Y/N. "And you! Weren't you supposed to make sure he didn't bring any attention to himself?!"
"Sorry, I couldn't find a good place to shop." Hak fakely smiled as he apologized.
"And how is he supposed to get any supplies if there's not a good place to shop?" Y/N innocently questioned.
"Jeez! Some help you two are!" Yoon huffed. "We'll go to the port tomorrow." He then concluded.
"Yay!" Yona squealed in happiness.
Y/N and Hak both looked at each other.
We probably...shouldn't tell them about us punching an officer yet. They both thought.

-Seaside Cliff-Next Day-
"According to Kija and Shin-ah, the Green Dragon's presence disappeared in that direction." Yoon said.
"I'm going off on my own for a bit." Hak's sudden words caused everyone to turn in surprise.
"I want to look at weapons in town. I'm the only one that can pick." Hak stated.
Sometimes he's really bad at lying. Y/N thought with an annoyed expression, in which no body noticed.
"Mr. White Snake, please hold onto this." Hak handed his spear-like weapon to Kija.
"Why me?!" Kija shouted, looking insulted.
"Hak..." Yona began.
The officers did see our faces yesterday. It'd be dangerous if we're with them.  Y/N thought, before sighing loudly.
"Don't worry Yona-hime, I'll make sure that big, tough, and scary stays out of trouble." Y/N nonchalantly stated, pretending not to notice Hak's annoyed expression.
"Then make sure you buy something today." Yoon demanded.
"Okay." Hak agreed, and then the two began to walk away from the group.
"Can you be any more obvious?" Y/N questioned as soon as the two were out of earshot from the rest of the group.
"Huh?" Hak blinked, before staring at Y/N with a confused expression. "What do you mean?" He asked.
"Nothing really, just that, even to me, you seemed a bit different than usual." Y/N sighed, before folding her arms behind her head. "If I hadn't come with you, I'm sure that the others might've thought that you were going to see some girl or something." She declared.
"Oh? What if that girl was you?" He smirked.
"S-shut up!"

___Quick Time Skip___
Y/N had gone to get food, while Hak went to 'buy' weapons.
Though, as soon as the (H/C) had returned, she stared in aggravation at the missing Thunder Beast.
"Yona-hime will be very upset if I lost her Thunder Beast." She sighed, before rubbing the back of her neck. "Well, wherever he is, then the Green Dragon shouldn't be too far away, right?"
Closing her silver irises, Y/N followed the green light, until it got too bright.
Flinching, the (H/C) whined softly, before looking up at the building.
"You've got to be kidding me." She grumbled as she stared at the sign posted on the front.

Yang Keum-ji is a powerful lord that runs the port of Awa. Everyone here is afraid of him. He's also doing shady business behind the government's back.

"Shady how?" Hak questioned.
"Beats me." Jeaha shrugged, before folding his hands and leaning his chin ontop of them. "Taking somebody's freedom away is the ugliest thing to do in this world. People like that should rot, return to dust, and reincarnate into roses. Don't you think so too?" The green haired man questioned.
"Well, I'm actually a bodyguard of somebody-"
"What I think he means to say, is 'yes'."
"When the hell did you get here!?" Hak shouted, jumping at least 3 feet into the air in surprise as he stared at Y/N with wide eyes.
"I got here a few minutes ago. I had promised to keep you out of trouble, therefore I shouldn't leave your side. I should remember that next time." Y/N stated, whispering the last part to herself.
"I didn't imagine you'd even come to investigate a place like this, Rini-chan." Jaeha grinned at Y/N.
"I-I don't! I just knew where to go is all." Y/N defended, blushing a bit.
Hak instantly noticed the blush, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Anyways, you're pretty hung up on freedom. Did you have a bad experience?" Y/N quickly changed the subject.
"Well, I-" Jaeha began.
"Hey! Just what are you doing?!" A familiar voice shouted.
Y/N paled as she instantly froze up.
"Yoon! Princess! Why are you..." Hak drifted off. "No, this isn't what it looks like. He made me come-"
"Where did they go?!" Hak shouted, glancing behind him and noticing that both Y/N and Jaeha were gone, leaving him alone with the four barely clothed women.
"What are you doing in a place like this in broad daylight?" Yoon questioned, as if scolding a child.
"What are you guys doing here?" Hak retorted, jumping from the balcony that the room he was in was attatched to
"Akio said he feels the Green Dragon's presence from around here. I didn't think it'd be a place like this, and that you'd be here." Yoon answered with a emotionless expression. "So dirty." He mumbled in disapproval.
"Um...Don't misunderstand. I was-" Hak began to speak to Yona.
"Oh there you are Komoi-kun!" An irkmark appeared on Hak's forehead.
"I was wondering where you went since I couldn't find you in the weapons shop. Jeez, I can't even leave you alone for five minutes." Y/N sighed, carrying the bags of food she had bought, before turning to Yoon.
"I got some potatoes, though I don't know if there's enough for all of us." The (H/C) said, handing the bags over to Yoon.
"Wah! This is more than enough, Y/N!" Yoon exclaimed, staring at the bags full of vegetables and fruits. There was even two loaves of bread and a box of cheese.
Y/N smiled innocently, before turning to Hak with a doe-eyed look.
"Oh my, Komoi-kun, I didn't think you'd be into those kind of places." She teased.
"You're lucky I can't murder you." Hak growled under his breath.
"Likewise." Y/N smirked.

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