Legend 11: The Ambush

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-Next Day-Trail-
As the group walked, Y/N noticed something was wrong.
Pausing for a second, she let out a soft yelp of surprise when someone bumped into her from behind.
Turning around, that's when Y/N realized what was wrong.
"Ah, Kija, you're lagging behind, are you getting tired?" She questioned.
The White Dragon shook his head quickly. "No, I'm not tired." It was a lie, since he hadn't been sleeping as much since he had left his clan, but he wasn't going to admit that.
And Y/N knew it.
"Very well. Then is it because Akio has taken your place as the Dragon compass?" Y/N questioned.
Sure enough, after Akio had pointed out exactly where the Blue Dragon's Clan was, he had been the one to lead the group, rather than have either Y/N or Kija.
"Of course not." Kija said, causing Y/N to hide a laugh as she saw how he pouted like a child.
"I see, well, I don't blame them. You don't really know your way around this kind of area, therefore if you were leading you'd cause a lot of worry."
"That's not making me feel any better." Kija stated with a irkmark on his forehead.
"Who said I was trying to make you feel better?" The white haired male looked startled at the blunt comment, and looked at Y/N with a confused expression.
He didn't understand how she could change her carefree personality into one so cold like she did.
I wonder how her life was like, being the younger half of the Gin Dragon. He thought.
Too lost in thought about the girl's odd personality, Kija let out a large yelp as he suddenly slipped into a trench.
"Kija!" Y/N and Yona were instantly at the edge of the trench, looking inside.
As Kija looked up, his blue orbs widened at what he saw.
"W-w-w-what are these!? Who gave you the right to station yourselves here?!"
Y/N and Akio clung to each other as they laughed, Kija's horrified screams in the background.
"Maybe we should help Kija-nii..." Akio said with a muffled chuckle.
Y/N grinned and nodded.
The silver orbed female then jumped into the trench, placing her hand over Kija's mouth to stop him from screaming, and then picking up the tiny green caterpillar that had landed on his nose. "Don't be such a wuss in front of our king, Kija." She said, as if scolding the horrified male, and then helping him off of the ground.
Akio held out a hand to Kija, who gladly took it, still seeming jittery about the whole bug fiasco, as the silver haired male helped him out of the trench, with Y/N easily jumping out of it.
"Ew...I still feel them crawling on me." Kija whimpered as he walked around in circles.
"So the Dragon God's are weaker then bugs." Hak smirked.
"T-that's not it! I just don't like slimy crawling creatures!" Kija defended himself.
"Neither do I." Y/N commented. "That's why I kill them every chance I get, because once I loose them I am not the best person to be around." She added, Akio nodding in agreement since he had seen his sister around bugs many times before.
"Well, it doesn't matter, I'm not gonna count on a dusty ancient power." Hak calmly stated.
"What?! Do you want to try it out right here then!?" Kija glared at Hak.
Y/N watched the two bickering with a bored expression, before she heard something in the distance.
"Princess, go hide." Hak suddenly stated.
"Hak?" Yona looked confused.
"What's wrong?" Yoon questioned, looking confused as well.
"There's a whole bunch of people coming. Since we're near the Fire Tribe's border, I wouldn't be surprised if it was some Fire Tribe soldiers." Akio said with a serious expression.
"Are the Fire Tribe enemies?" Kija asked, only getting a nod from Y/N in response.
"Hak? Can I use my bow?" Yona questioned, raising her hand like a good student in class.
"Sensei will not aprove of it, stay hidden." Was Hak's reply, causing the red head to pout.
"You too, Y/N." The (H/C) looked startled at such an order, before narrowing her eyes.
"I'll fight too." She declared.
"You will not." Kija simply glared back at her.
"Y/N, please." Y/N turned to look at her brother, before sighing and going behind the bush where the other two were.
Just as she crouched down, a whole gang of guys came out.
Bandits. Y/N's eyes narrowed as she glared at them.
"Hey, it's our payday." One of the men said.
"Man, they don't look like they've got much." The guy next to him stated.
"Eh, they're just bandits." Akio sighed, almost as if relieved sounding.
"What do you mean by 'just'?" Kija questioned with a serious expression.
"I wouldn't say that, there's three girls over there." The first guy from before stated.
"I'm a handsome boy." Yoon scowled, causing Y/N to roll her eyes.
"This guy's dressed nice and has a pretty face, he'll sell well." The bandit continued.
"Oi, it's no issue if I slash them, is there?" Kija asked, glancing at the other two.
"It's no issue if you hide either." Hak offered.
"Nonsense." Kija grinned.
As Y/N watched the dispute going on, she noticed how Yona was watching with amazement, causing the (H/C) to grin slightly.

~Akio's POV~
"So, Hak, do you need my protection as well? Since Princess Yona did ask me to." Kija-nii grinned at Hak-San.
I sighed, shaking my head as I watched the two. I swear, they might as well make a killing spree a game just to see who was best by saying how many they killed each.
"No thanks, I don't need it." Hak-San said, unsheathing the blade to his spear-like weapon.
"How about you, Akio-kun? I am your older brother, after all."
Now I see why Y/N hates me calling her younger sister.
I grinned slightly. "Don't worry about me, Kija-nii, I'll be fine." I declared, taking off my cloak and running at the bandits who were running at us all at once.
"W-who are these guys!? They aren't normal!"
I smirked. "How rude, don't call us that, we're just special." I stated.
"The only ones who are abnormal here are you and the White Snake, Akio." I chuckled as I looked at Hak-San, both of us nodding, before beating down the bandits that had surrounded the both of us.
Upon hearing Hak-san's surprised yell, I turned only to roll my eyes as I saw Kija-nii trying to attack the ex-general.
Can't they be serious for once!?

~3rd Person POV~
"They aren't normal!" Yoon declared as he watched the three other males fighting against the bandits.
Y/N coughed and glared at him, causing the poor boy to pale a bit.
"Do you want to fight?" Y/N quickly changed her gaze to the red head beside her who had asked the question.
"I do, but Akio told me to hide." Y/N stated, then grinned slightly. "You want to fight too, though."
"Yes, but Hak told me no. I have to be patient." Yona sighed.
"Well that's one difference between you and I." Y/N stated, her silver orbs trailing back on the bloody scene.
"After all, this is what you've trained for, haven't you?" Yoon questioned as he looked at Yona.
The red head nodded, suddenly looking determined and loading her bow.
"Based on my calculation of how far you can shoot, aim for the guy who is targeting Hak from behind." Yoon improvised as Y/N stood on the sidelines watching.
"Now!" As Yona released the arrow, it had only seemed to hit the guy's hand, causing him to drop his weapon and run away.
"Cool! Yoon, you're an even better teacher than Hak!" Yona praised.
"That I could've told you myself." Y/N chuckled.
"Don't make it sound as if it was some sort of joke." Yoon said as he stared at Y/N with a straight face.
"Sorry, sorry." Y/N smiled.
Y/N and Yoon were suddenly brought from their conversation when Yona gasped in surprise.
"Don't move ladies, you'll be our hostages." A fat bandit stated, holding Yona by her arm and hair.
"Don't think we'll go so willingly." Y/N growled, throwing off her cloak and jumping at the man, and making a sharp turn, her wings successfully sliced into his neck, causing him to fall backwards, and Yona to fall in the opposite direction.
"Princess, are you OK?" Akio asked, catching Yona at the last second.
"Yeah, thanks." Yona smiled.
"What a pain." Yoon grumbled.
"Is it over?" Yona asked, gazing at where many of the bandits were laying down, either dead or knocked out, Y/N wasn't sure.
"How many did you take down?" Kija questioned smugly.
"Huh? I don't remember." Hak replied calmly.
"I took down twenty-eight."
"Then I took down forty."
Y/N noticed the annoyed expression on her twin brother's face, causing her to elbow his side.
"I knew this was going to happen." The silver haired male stated, turning his hand into a fist.
"Kija!" The twins quickly looked over to see the White Dragon crouching on the ground and gripping on the arm with the Dragon claw, black smoke covering the white scales.
"I'm OK, I just overdid it a bit." Kija assured.
"I'm actually happy, nobody in the kingdom could keep up with me. Maybe one day the three of us -Akio being included- can...fight..." Suddenly the ravenette male toppled over.
"Hak!" Yona shouted.
"Did he die?" Kija questioned.
"He's not dead!" Yona stated, smacking the back of his head.
"Idiot! The wound is open again." Yoon stated, the white cloth that was wrapped around Hak's chest seeping with blood.
"He actually wasn't healed yet. He might play it cool, but he's an absolute wreck." Yoon sighed.
Even so, he fought like a ferocious monster. Y/N thought as she eyed the unconscious man skeptically.
"The sun is going down, we need to find a place to sleep." Yoon said as he stared up at the orange colored sky.
"Princess what are you doing?" Akio questioned, causing the others to turn and see Yona pulling at Hak's hair.
"Well, Hak can't move, so he needs to be carried." Yona explained.
Y/N sent a look to Kija, who nodded in response and picked up Hak, using his white clawed hand.
"Wow Kija!" Yona beamed.
"The Dragon's arm is tens times stronger than that of an ordinary person." Kija explained to her, though Y/N could tell that he was obviously proud.
Yona stared in wonder at the white haired male, before putting her bag of arrows and her bow in his left hand.
"No...Just my right hand." Kija struggled.
"Anyways, we should keep moving and not stay here." Y/N stated, taking the bag away from Kija and handing it back to Yona, who nodded in agreement.

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