Part 3- First impressions

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The town Eyeless Jack found was small and half of all the houses looked abandoned. Jack looked at the first house of the town and hid behind a nearby tree and waited.

The sun was finally rising but there was no sign of Jeff the Killer. The guy is probably smart. I shouldn't expect him to come out in daylight.

Nobody came out of their houses that day. News might have spread about another Jeff sighting last night. People might not come out because of that. Jack ate the kidney he took from the boy and realized that Jeff might think Jack will attack him. How should I approach him?

Jack climbed the tree and waited.

He thought about what he should do if he met the notorious, probably sadistic killer. If it ends with a fight then he'll fight. Deep inside, Jack feels lonely and he wants to have a friend who can understand him. Someone who can relate to him in some ways.

Jack knows this. He knows that he needs a friend. It's sad to think that a monster like him is alone. Not only that, Jack never wanted to be a monster. He was forced to be one. He was forced to eat human flesh to live. Jeff is a monster too. Just looking at his face already shows it.

Of course, there was also his strong blood lust. Maybe Jeff has it too.

Jack was deep in thought. Am I really a monster? He sat up on the tree and looked down at his hands. Taking the glove off reveals a grey, almost-decaying skin. It was skinny and almost fleshless. If he still doesn't have his sanity, he might be called a zombie by now.

Judging Jeff, a white-skinned, carved smile guy, Jack is more of a monster than he is. Sure, Jeff may be insane and a bit more... murderous but hey, atleast he doesn't eat human meat, right? Jack thought.

He relaxed on the tree and looked up to the night sky. It's weird how time goes by so fast. Jack thought. One minute, it was just the start of the day, the next, it becomes nighttime.

He heard a small ruckus in the kitchen of the house he was supposed to be watching. He looked at the kitchen window and saw a white hoody. It was Jeff. Jack climbed down the tree with excitement and... fear.

Jack looked around the neighborhood. Nobody was watching. Nobody was here.

Jack stood in the middle of the street in front of the house to make a good first impression of him being... creepy.

Time was ticking as Jack stood in the street. Then Jack saw a face in the window. It was smiling. The face disappeared and a guy with really white skin, really black, shoulder-length hair with permanent, carved, large smile opened the front door and started walking towards him.

Jack stood still. Good thing he was wearing a mask because he would probably look a bit terrified. Jeff's appearance doesn't scare him but only the thought of meeting a new friend does.

Jeff stopped walking and stood only a few feet away from him. Jeff looked from head to toe at Jack and Jack did the same. After a while of staring, Jeff began to circle around Jack like he was examining a piece of art. Or how a predator examines his prey. Jack thought. He didn't dare move. If he did, who knows what will happen.

After completing a full circle, Jeff stopped in front of Jack and looked up and down at him again. Jeff's familiar white hoody was washed with blood. His hoody's pocket has a small bump which Jack sensed is a knife. Jack noticed that Jeff wasn't blinking and upon closer examination, he doesn't have eye lids. Jack couldn't help but stare at Jeff's mouth; the guy actually carved a smile into his face. This guy is probably a lunatic. A dangerous lunatic.

The silence was intense. Jack had to say something. "H-hi."

Jeff's eyes suddenly glowed with curiosity. "You can talk?... who are you? What are you?" Jack was about to reply but then Jeff placed his hand in his sweatshirt's pocket, where the knife is.

If Jack has eyes it would widen with shock but then Jeff, instead of a knife, took out a paper. "Are you EJ?"

Jack nodded. "Yes. You must be the infamous Jeff the Killer"

"Yeah, I am. What does EJ mean?" Jeff said, taking a step forward.

"Eyeless Jack, but I guess you can call me Jack"

"Eyeless Jack? So, you're eyeless? What is this?" Jeff wiped a bit of the black liquid off of Jack's mask.

"Yes, I am eyeless and I don't know what they are" Jack replied. Jeff licked the black liquid on his finger. "Does it taste good?"

"Mmm... no... it tastes like coal mixed with mud" Jeff wiped his hand on his hoody. "How can you see if you're eyeless?"

Jack shrugged. "I don't know myself"

"How about this? Is this your face or a mask?" Jeff tapped Jack's mask.

"Mask" Jack was surprised with Jeff's curiosity. He thought he would actually try to kill him. Maybe he shouldn't be too comfortable.

"Ok... so you're human... that's kind of a relief..." Jeff sighed, visibly relaxing a bit.

I'm not human. I'm a monster Jack thought. "Yeah... human..."

"Do you kill?"

"Yeah I do... and I kind of eat them..." Shit. Why did I mention that?

"Eat them?... interesting... I never met a cannibal before" Jeff said, crossing his arms and started to visibly analyse Jack.

Believe me, I'm much worse. "Yeah. But I like eating kidneys more than... other organs." Why am I saying this!?

"Hmm... you know, I never thought about trying to eat meat... human meat... Does it taste nice?"

"Mmm... I dunno about you but the kidney is the most juiciest organ that I could find and it's really easy to get, unlike some organs"

"Do you think I should try it?"

"I don't think so" Jeff, you're human. I'm not. I don't think it's going to work well for you.

"Oh, Okay." Jeff said. "So, what do you want?"


"You said you want to meet right? Well, I'm here. Did you want to fight? Did you want to eat my kidneys? Or.... be friends?" Jeff raised his eyebrow when he said friends.

"Well... I would want to be friends... unless you don't want to"

"Of course I do. It would be cool to kill... with another killer" Jeff's carved smile grew a bit bigger, showing that he's really smiling... menacingly.

Under his mask, Jack smiled. He extended his hand for a handshake and Jeff immediately shook it. Jeff's hand was unexpectedly strong. Jack could feel it. Jeff's body was pumping with adrenaline, making him stronger and faster than any normal person.

"Well, friend." Jeff said. "Want to kill the rest of this neighborhood?"

"Of course... friend..."

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