Part 60- Gone... forever?

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Note: this starts with Jeff's POV

Jeff and the other boys watched as Ben went into the computer. After Ben went through the screen, Jeff had stopped struggling. Slendy touched all of their heads with his tentacles and Jeff felt the same annoying feeling again.

Slendy teleported them to the living room where everyone is. Jeff, Liu and Toby were suddenly sitting on the couch. Masky whistled loudly which made everyone look at him.


"Yeah, we know!" Toby said, sarcastically.

Masky ignored him. "Slendy wants everyone to stay calm and remain here! We are all to stay here until further instructions!"

"And that means nobody will fight!" Hoodie shouted. "NOBODY!"

Some people grunted in disappointment. The room suddenly rumbled and everyone ran towards the window. They all saw Zalgo and a demonic, flying Jenny who has glowing eyes with him. The two demons were just in front of the mansion's gates. Slendy and his brothers were in front of the mansion itself and inside the gates. They're safe but not for long.

Zalgo wasn't in his demonic giant form. He was in a form of a human, making him less taller than Slendy. He had no visible face features except for his red, glowing eyes. He was also wearing a suit but instead of Slendy's black tie, it was red. Zalgo's skin was all black and he has large, black horns going out of his head.

Zalgo and Jeff's eyes met. Jeff was about to look away when he noticed that Zalgo wasn't hypnotising him but just staring at him. Zalgo noticed his confusion and smirked. He looked away from Jeff and looked back to the tree-sized brothers.

"Slendy! Oh Slendy!" Zalgo playfully sang. "I'm back!"

Zalgo's voice also changed. It wasn't that growling demonic voice anymore. It was a normal man's voice. It was weird because it didn't suit his position; being the most powerful demon in the world.

"What do you want, Zalgo?" Slendy snarled.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Zalgo shook his head. His eyes closed while he did this which made Jeff shocked. He isn't used to seeing Zalgo like this. "Slendy Slendy Slendy... is that how you treat guests? That's not very nice..."

"WHY SHOULD WE DO THAT!? YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Jeff kept ranting on. He stopped when he realised that Zalgo wasn't listening to him. "HEY ZALGO! LISTEN TO ME YOU DEAF IDIOT! WHY YOU LITTLE PIEC-"

"Jeff." Toby placed his hand on Jeff's shoulder. "Slendy's making you mute."

"Huh?" Jeff asked him.

"See? Even I can't hear you." Toby said. "He made you mute so that Zalgo won't get pissed off. Don't worry though, your voice will come back, Slendy's done it to me a hundred times now."

"Yeah thanks a lot." Jeff said, sarcastically. When he realised that Toby can't even here what he said, he just shuts up and looked back to the six demons on their frontyard.

"Zalgo, leave now..." Slendy commanded. "Unless you came here for a peace offering then-"

"Oh no no no no no!" Zalgo said, casually waving his arms like he isn't talking to another powerful being. "I'm just here to... reclaim... my throne."

"Zalgo, there is nothing you can get from power-" Slendy said.

"Slendy! Tell me..." Zalgo changed the subject. He walked a few steps towards the gates. "Why is your little elf boy running away?..."

It took a few seconds before Jeff realised what he meant and when he did, everyone gasped. Slendy however, was fast and he immediately flew to the nearest powerline. Zalgo was faster and was already on the powerline. Everyone looked out the window and saw Slendy and his brothers trying to scare Zalgo away. Zalgo was holding a cable that was ripped away from the rest.

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