Part 34- Slendy's secrets

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Masky telepoted them to the front of the mansion, where the battlefield is.

"Masky! You're back!" Hoodie shouted. He shot Zalgo's arms before running to the group. "Who's the girl?" He asked Masky.

Jenny was looking at Zalgo, terrified. She started to scream but then her mouth was covered by Jane's hand.

"Don't scream! It sounds annoying" Jane said. Jenny suddenly fainted.

"Ugh! Just great! She was our only hope!" Jack said.

"It's fine. We still have the book" Masky said. "Let's go to Slendy's office"

"Can I come?" Hoodie and Jane asked in unison.

"Fine! Come on!" Jack said impatient.

Jane gave Hoodie an unconcious, smelly Jenny and they ran from the battle, dodging flying concrete.

Once they entered Slendy's office, Masky closed the door.

"Alright guys, look for anything that has something to do with Zalgo" Jack told them. They all started to rummage through papers and books.

"Look at how many maps we have to put on trees, Masky" Hoodie said, looking through a stack of papers on Slendy's desk. "Can't believe we have to place these on trees all our lives"

"Hey, that's better than fixing the garden while it rains" Masky said.

Jeff found a long parchment and read outloud:

Proxy to-do list:

-Masky needs to unclog toilet in 4th floor.
-Make Toby run 10 laps because he pissed Slendy off.
-Give Hoodie a 'Most Behaved Proxy' award.
-Make Toby and Masky stay in the same room to befriend each other.
-Hoodie needs to improve his teleporting skills.
-Toby made Smile piss on Masky and Hoodie's shoes. Make him run 50 laps while cooking his breakfast.
-Take away Toby's proxy powers because he burned the kitchen while doing the punishment.

Everyone laughed while he read the parchment.

"Yes! Most Behaved Proxy!" Hoodie shouted.

"Unclog the toilet!? Really?!" Masky complained. Everyone laughed.

"Guys! I found something!" Jane said.

"Arkensaw, did you almost die when you found it?" Jeff teased as he and the others went to Jane.

"No, Woods, I did not" Jane brought out a small book that has a black cover with a white circle and an X drawn through it.

"That's The Operator's Symbol" Masky and Hoodie said at the same time.

"The Operator?" Jack asked.

"The Operator is Slendy-" Masky started.

"No! Slendy is not The Operator!" Hoodie argued.

"How would you know? He has the same powers, same height, same-"

"Yeah but Slendy doesn-"

"If Slendy isn't The Operator then how did we become Proxies with a guy who looks like him?"

"I thought we're against The Operator. Isn't that why you tried to kill Alex?" Hoodie said. "Isn't that why we both tried to kill-"

"Alex!? That bastard tried to kill us! You-"

"Alright! If Slendy is The Operator then-" Hoodie started.

"Hey! Who is Alex? What's The Operator? Does this book have anything to do with Zalgo?" Jack asked.

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