Part 9- The Tickster

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Eyeless Jack, Jeff and Jane the killer, in one room and trying to hide from a man with a hatchet. Great.

Everyone hid under the bed. Jack readied his scalpel, just in case. He knows that a scalpel can't do any damage like a hatchet but a tiny weapon is better than no weapons at all.

As they lay hidden, they heard a male voice. The man's voice was like a teenager but more humorous.

"Eww is that dead body rotten? I should've taken it outside minutes ago. Do you think so? Really?" There must be two of them. Great. Just great. "Someone is in here?... where?..." Oh no. Then there was a loud crack.

Jack looked at Jeff then at Jane, all of them knew what was going on.

The door flew open. Underneath the bed, Jack saw two hatchets, one was old and the other was new, both were stained with blood. Oh no.
"Are they in here?"
They waited for a second voice but they heard nothing. Crack.
"So they're under the bed, you say." This guy is talking to himself. "Show yourself. Or else"

There was a short silence before Jack says "We will. Don't hurt us and we'll leave"

The man thought about it and then said "Fine"

Jack crept out of the bed slowly until he stood up, face to face with the man.

The man looked like he was younger than Jack. The man had messy, brown hair. His skin was pale, almost gray-colored. He wore orange goggles and a mouth-block thing that covers his mouth and chin, a faded green jacket with stripes on the sleeves which had blood stains on it. The man was tall and skinny but it was hard to believe that a skinny guy like him could actually lift two hatchets, swing it even.

When both Jeff and Jane stood up, the man suddenly twitched and then crack. Now that Jack noticed, the man was actually twitching all over, involuntarily.

"Who are you?" The man says.

"I am Jack. These are my friends Jane and Jeff"

"Jack, Jeff and Jane? As in, Eyeless Jack, Jeff the Killer and Jane the Killer?" The man says. He didn't look intimidated though.

"That's it."

"Well, I am Ticci Toby. Atleast, that is what my friends call me" Toby says then he twitched his head then crack. "For now, you can call me Toby"

"Wait. Ticci Toby? Why Ticci?" Jane asked.

"As you can see I have been twitching a lot-"crack"-but it's only because of-"

"Because of Tourette's Syndrome. It makes him twitch uncontrollably and that is also why Toby is always cracking his neck." Jack said.

"How'd you know?" Toby said annoyed.

"I, uh, studied to be a doctor. I guess I learned more stuff than I should've learned"

"Ok. Dr Jack. Tell me. What are these things in your eyes" Toby wiped the black liquid from his eyes.

Here we go again. "I don't know what they are... but Jeff said it tasted like coal mixed with mud so..."

"Do they?" Toby placed his hatchets on the ground. He took out his goggles and placed them on his head. He took out his mouth-guard-thing and licked the black liquid on his finger. "He's right. It is coal mixed with mud. Don't ask how I know that. I just do"

For the first time, Jack saw Toby's real face. Toby's eyes were dark brown, he looked tired but his actions were energetic-like and hyper. Toby also doesn't look healthy. As a doctor, Jack knows this. Toby's skin color was grey-pale. He also looked malnourished. Toby had enough muscles to lift a hatchet. Yes. But other than that, Toby looked like he never stepped out to the sun or did anything at all. In fact, Toby's actions were like a child's. He was sarcastic in one minute then curious the next... or maybe he just has bipolar disorder. Jack was curious now.

"You know, you're actually pretty nice. Normally, my friends would get annoyed and stuff. Anyway, were those knives yours?"

"Uh. Yeah-no. They're Jeff's"

"Really? All of them? Why would a famous killer like yourself need a lot of knives?" Toby asked Jeff.

"Why not? Besides, they're really handy" Jeff shrugged, already, he liked Toby.

"I disagree. These are more useful" Toby grabbed his hatchets and handed one to Jeff. Jeff grabbed it and swung it, as if he was stabbing someone.

"I guess, they are quite strong" He said and gave it back to Toby.

"I know" Toby looked at Jane. "Ms Arkensaw? I'm surprised that you haven't attacked Jeff yet"

"How'd you know my name?" Jane said.

"Uh, TV. Duh." Toby said sarcastically.

"Jeez, Jane." Jeff and Toby looked at each other then smirked menacingly. Jack felt Jane roll her eyes behind her mask.

"Anyway, who's hungry? Does anyone want some chicken soup?"

"Aw. That sound amazing." Jane sighed.

"I wonder. When was the last time I ate?" Jeff said. "Probably, a month ago"

"You can survive that long?" Jack asked "You are filled with surprises Jeff"

"He's right. The longest time I didn't eat was when I was stuck in a tree for a whole week because I pissed the Rake off" Toby said.

"The Rake?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah. He's like some weird dude. Nevermind that. Who wants to eat?"

Everyone sat in the dining table. They all ate, except Jack, happily because of Toby's stupid stories with his friends.

"And then he said 'you shouldn't have done that' and I was like 'bish I do what I like'" Toby says while shaking his hands in the air and everyone laughed. "Oh and we also had this dog, we named him Smile, and once I was like 'Hey Smile, piss on Tim and Brian's shoes and I'll give you a treat' Smile did it and they were both so pissed off." Everyone laughed again.

Everyone had a wonderful time until Jack realized it was nighttime.

"Hey, Toby." Jack started when the laughter died down. "Do you know where the nearest town is?"

"Yeah. It's just a few more miles. Why?"

"Well, I gotta eat human flesh to survive and..." Jack stopped when Toby raised his hand in a stop-gesture.

"Say no more. I know where it is. I can take you there tomorrow. For now, we can sleep."

"Actually, Jack and I can't sleep." Jeff said. "He's eyeless and I'm eyelid-less"

"Oh. How 'bout you Ms Arkensaw, need to sleep?" Toby said.

"Yea I am pretty sleepy" she said yawning.

Toby stood up and stretched. "Well, I'm gonna hit the hay. Pick any room you like Jane. Jack and Jeff, I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight!"

"Hey Toby!" Said Jeff.


"Go to Sleep!"

"I will!"

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