Part 75 - Wasn't her fault

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A/N: this is Jeff's POV

Jeff and Slendy were just wandering around his forest. The moon didn't move and nothing was in sight except for trees and a thick layer of fog.

"How far is the exit of this forest, Slendy?" Jeff asked.

"Not far. Just a few more steps." He replied.

"Ah." Jeff said, examining his newly named and most favourite knife. "Are there any houses nearby?"

"No, not nearby." Slendy replied. "Its far but not that far."

"Very helpful..." Jeff said.

"Well, you have to have exersice, Jeff." Slendy said. "Because you're a..."

"Because I'm a what?" Jeff asked, still looking at his knife in awe. But when he realized that Slendy wasn't walking and talking anymore. He stopped and looked at him. "Slendy?"

"Jeff..." Slendy said.

"Yes?..." Jeff asked. Slendy was suddenly becoming transparent and it worried Jeff a little bit. "S-Slendy? What is going on?"

Then, like a glitch in a computer, Slendy had turned into a young albino boy with red eyes for a spilt second then back again to his normal form. This startled Jeff. Slendy was too.

"Jeff, someone in the mansion-" Slendy said in his normal voice. But then he glitched again and turned into the albino boy. "-is messing and killing my-" He turned back into Slenderman. "-biological body."

"What?" Jeff asked, taking a few steps forward. "Slendy?"

"Someone is killing me-" Slendy said in a clear voice before turning into an albino boy completely. "-and you need to get out of here and back to the mansion!"

"Wait. Wha-" Jeff said.

The albino boy who has red eyes and white hair and skin started to scream in agony. "AHHHH! IT BURNS! AHHH!"

"Slendy!?" Jeff said, running towards the boy who wasn't even on fire but was trying to extinguish it out. He hugged the not-burning boy. "What is going on!?"

"JUST RUN, JEFF! YOU'RE NOT SAFE HERE! AHHHHH!" The boy broke from the embrace and started to walk away. With every step, the boy's body began to disappear. "THE PROTECTION IN THIS FOREST WILL BE GONE IN A MINUTE! LEAVE! BEFORE HE FINDS YOU!"

"But Slendy, you-" Jeff started to say.


Jeff doesn't want to but he started running. As he was running away, he keeps hearing the boy's heart-wrenching scream. Jeff felt tears go down his face as as the scream kept going for a few minutes until it finally stopped. When he turned back, Slendy was gone.

---------------------Liu's POV---------------------

Sally lead them to the back of the mansion. As soon as they got outside, they could smell the sent of burning flesh. When they got around the corner to the back of the mansion, everyone gasped.

Zalgo was there... no, it wasn't Zalgo. The figure had the upper body of Zalgo; with the big red eyes, black horns and skin. But the lower half had a body of a little girl. She was wearing pink dress and...

Realization slowly hit Liu. The little girl was Zalgo's daughter, Lazari.

"Lazari!? What are you-" Helen started to say.

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