Part 64- The Proxy meeting

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Note: This is Toby's POV

Masky sighed. "My real name is Timothy Wright."

Everyone expected more of what he has to say... and they weren't disappointed.

"I am also called Masky due to the fact that Slend- I mean, the Operator wants me to keep my mask on at all times." He continued. "I am the second proxy that the Operator has ever had-"

"Okay, can someone tell me, what the fuck a proxy is?" Firebrand asks.

"It's us, dumbass!" Habit says, angrily.

"What? So it's like we're some kind of servant or something?" Firebrand asks.

"Kinda like that. Why?" The Observer said to him.

"Well, it's just tha-" Firebrand started to say.

"Ah- shhhhhhhh!" Habit said, covering Firebrand's mouth with his finger. "Let the masked man speak!"

"Uh... okay?" Masky said. He cleared his throat before continuing. "I-"

"How and why do you become a proxy?" Firebrand asks. "Like what the hell. We're just enjoying our normal lives until one day-"

"SHUT UP OR I'LL SLIT THY THROAT!" Habit shouted with his demonic voice.

"Would you guys just SHUT UP!?" Kate the chaser shouted. "I want to listen!"

Kate, Firebrand, and Habit began arguing about it. Nurse Ann and Observer joined in because they tried to silent them.

"Uh... when will I start?" Masky asked. They ignored him and continued arguing. "Guys? Hellloooo?" It seemed like they forgot about him. "Guys?"

Toby and Hoodie looked at each other, knowing fully well what's about to happen. If Masky gets irritated for far too long, he'll lash out. They know this because they've seen it themselves. The other proxies continued their fight.

"Why the hell do we even need to listen to him!?" Firebrand shouted.

"FUCKING SHUT UP!" Habit retorted.

"UGH! THIS IS A WASTE OF MY TIME!" Kate exclaimed.

"ASSHOLES! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Observer said.

"This is why we can't have nice things!" Nurse Ann said to herself.

"ENOUGH!" Masky shouted at the top of his lungs. They looked at him. "WILL YOU FOOLS SHUT UP?!"

Habit and everyone else stayed quiet but didn't look at each other. Masky wasn't done scolding them though.

"So this is what Proxies look like!" Masky shouted angrily. "A BUNCH OF PIGS!"

"Hey, we're usually not-" Observer started to say.

"I TALK! YOU ZIP IT!" Masky said, gesturing a zipping motion to his mask's mouth. The Observer and everyone else did what Masky said. Even Habit looked surprised. "First of all, this meeting is about Zalgo and Zalgo only! How do I know?! Because Slendy would never do this unless it's fucking necessary! So would all just listen the fuck up!?"

"Calm down, Timmy." Toby said, playfully. The other proxies looked at him like he just made the situation even worse. "Everyone is listening now."

To their surprise, Masky sighed, calmed down and nodded. "You know what? Toby, you talk."

That was not the reaction Toby was expecting. "M-Me? Why?"

"You're the successor. You talk." Masky said, sitting down.

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