Part 18- Freedom

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Note: this chapter will start in Jeff's POV but will later turn into EJ's POV

"Jeff the Killer, why ignore the fact that you're gonna die? What's wrong with helping us... for the good of mankind?" A man said through a speaker.

Jeff laughed. The good of mankind?! Really!? That's the best they could do? There is no good of mankind. Nobody is good. Nobody is evil. Jeff wanted to say these words but saying them will only make them shock him. He didn't mind the shock, it felt like a bunch of ants bit him all at the same time. It was also annoying.

Jeff was tied to a chair with some wires on his head, arms and legs. He was in a small room with a speaker and security camera looking at him.

"Jeffery Alexander Woods. How about make good for atleast once in your life; especially now that you're gonna die" the man was annoyed now. Just what Jeff wanted.

"How about you zip you're mouth. Especially when-" Jeff started but then he felt the shock. When it stopped he said "when you're gonna die sooner or later!" Jeff felt another shock. It was stronger this time.

"Psst. Jeff!" It was Ben. The cops couldn't see him through the security camera. So whenever Jeff talks to him, they just think he's crazy.

"Hey, Benny!" Jeff said. "How yah doin? Did you hear that idiot through the speaker? He was really funn-" Jeff felt another shock.

"Jeff! Jack's awake!" Ben said. Jeff's eyes widen.

"What? You kidnapped the president of the US?" Jeff said, he looked at the security camera and laughed.

"Haha. Good one, Jeff. but you know, they can kill you on the spot if you say that"

"Don't care. So, how is he?"

"He's feeling well. He's gonna meet Slendy now to make the deal"

"Deal? What deal?"

"Well..." Ben explained the situation; that Jack was being controlled by Chernobog and if he wants to be free he needs to become one of Slendy's servants.

"So... you're telling me that I was possessed?" Jeff asked

"Yes" Jeff laughed. "I'm serious, Jeff... and they're gonna do something to you."


"Them. The cops" Ben jerked his head towards the camera.

"Ooooh. What are they gonna do?"

"They are gonna-" The torture chamber's door opened. A man with a white mustache came in, he had two masked security guards with him.

"Hey, Ben. Could you kill the guy for me, please?" Jeff whispered.

"Would love to but I can't risk it. They might kill you if I do"

"Why not?" Jeff whined.

"Jeff the killer. Come with us" the man said. The guards untied Jeff and immediately handcuffed him. Jeff didn't struggle, he was interested to see what these idiots are up to.

They placed a blindfold on him. They took it off when they placed him inside a van.

"Oooh. Are we going to Disneyland?" Jeff teased.

"No. You're going back home, Jeff. Do you miss your family?" The man said.

"Hm.. it depends which family you mean" Jeff said "If you're talking about my dead family then no. No I don't"

"Awww. Are you sure? Maybe you should think about you're answer"

-------------Jack's POV-----------------------

Jack entered Slendy's office.

"Um... hi.. sorry about earlier" Jack said.

"Don't wo-" Slendy started.

"Don't worry, Jack. It isn't your fault" Toby interrupted.

"Toby... don't." Slendy said.


"Eyeless Jack, did you think about the offer I gave you?"

"Yes. Yes I have" Jack said. "And I accept the offer"

"Alright. Close your.... I mean, cover your eyes" Slendy said. Toby giggled when he changed close to cover.

Jack did what he was told. He covered his eyes with his hands. He felt something touch his head and then all of a sudden, he felt as light as air. But the demon inside of him raged with anger. He couldn't move. He was stuck.

Jack started to growl like an animal. He felt something stab him in his chest. When it got out of his chest, he felt a huge weight taken away and he could finally breathe properly after all those years.

Jack collapsed on the floor, coughing and wheezing. Toby helped him up.

"You alright?" Toby asked. "What do you feel?"

"I feel... I feel like..."

"I'm guessing, you feel like something has been taken out of your chest" Toby said. "It was the burden of being sacrificed to a demon. Slendy took it away from you. Now, you're free!"

Jack felt happy. He never knew that he had a burden. He felt free!

"So... now that you accepted the deal.. you are now immortal but you have to keep killing. That was the deal, got it?" Slendy told him. "Other than immortality, you may live and visit my mansion whenever you may wish. You could als-"

"You could also teleport here!" Toby interrupted again. "I mean, you can't teleport to specific places like, us, proxies, but you can teleport; from the mansion to the cabin. Just think about the place and you're there, in a blink of an eye! Also, you co-"

"Toby!" Slendy shouted

"You know, it's rude to interrupt people, Slendy." Toby told him. Jack chuckled.

"Toby... I can always retake your proxy powers away" Slendy says.

"Fine. I'm sorry" Toby said. "Maybe I can tour Jack around the mansion! Can I? Pleeeeaaase?"

"You may after I finish talking to him. Now, Toby please leave us for a minute" Slendy said. Toby pouted and walked out the door.

"Now, Jack. I know what you're thinking; after this, you want to save Jeff. Am I right?"


"I won't stop you. It's just that the others are, surprisingly, easily influenced by Jeff. Even if he doesn't mean to." Jack doesn't understand why Slendy was telling him this. "What I want you to do is to guide Jeff. You and I both know that he is highly arrogant and stubborn. Others may start to look at him as some sort of leader and follow his every move. But the only person he listens to is you."

"So... I should guide Jeff?" Jack is still unsure.


"I don't understand..."

"You'll know when the time comes. For now, you may leave" Slendy said, pointing towards the door. Jack, obediently, went outside.

---------------------Jeff's POV--------------------

Jeff laughed as the officers get more and more frustrated. The van's engine suddenly broke (it was actually because of Ben) and the officers were pushing the van to get off the highway.

Once in a while, Ben would pop the van's tires and Jeff would laugh more. The man was calling for back-up but Ben destroyed his phone.

"Haha! Good Job Ben!" Jeff said.

"Alright, I have had enough of you and your imaginary friend-" the man started.

"Oooh. Ben he just called you 'imaginary'. What will you do?" Jeff asked.

"He shouldn't have done that" Ben said. "Jeff, I'm gonna have to leave you for now. I'm gonna kill someone's kids" and then Ben left.

Jeff started to cry, laughing.

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