Chapter 3

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Tris POV

   I wake to a throbbing pain in my head. I soon realize that I am in some sort of a vehicle but I can't see, its too dark to see anything.
   Great, I'm in the trunk. I try to listen to the sounds of the tires on the gravel but I can't, my mind is full of thoughts that keep swarming around in my head like a swarm of bees around a beehive. Who is this 'Ben' guy? Where am I going? Where's everyone else? But my thoughts are interupped by the tires screeching and the vehicle coming to a harsh stop.
   I fall off my hands and land on my back. I hear footsteps coming closer to where I am. I just lay helpless in the darkness till I see light, a very bright light. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust but I finally see a man's face staring down at me. Before I can say anything his arms are on my wrists, yanking me out if the truck with force causing my body to hit the floor. Frantically, I scan my surroundings trying to find Tobias or anyone else. I start to panic.
What if they didn't make it. What if im the only one they wanted. Finally I see another car pull up and a few more after. My heart starts to race, like the first time I met Tobias. All I see around me is a huge wall, like the one in Chicago but it has a newer look to it. As I look around I see a man pull Tobias, Christina, Evelyn, and Caleb out of the other trucks. Caleb? Why is Caleb here?
"Tris!" I look over to see Tobias trying to fight his way over to me but fails. Ben walks out of the truck I was in and yells at his men to line us up. Tobias looks at me and I see a tear fall from his eye. I mouth I love you, no matter what to him and he mouths it back. A tear falls from my eye as I look up at Ben. He walks up to me and pulls out a vial containing a greenish liquid.
  "No, no please don't do this. I can't do this anymore please, don't." I say as a sob escapes from my mouth. This can't happen again...
"Don't worry you will have a new life now." Ben says as he quickly injects the serum into my neck. I can't move. I can't see. I can't speak.
Before my thoughts dissapear I hear Tobias scream "Tris!" I scream so loud, the pain is unbearable. The whole world starts to spin and spin. I just want this to be over.


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