Chapter 25

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Tris POV

We walk downstairs hand in hand and on the counter is eggs and toast prepared by Uriah.
"Oh Uri, you didn't need to make us breakfast." I say as my abnegation side emerges.
"Don't worry I found extra food in the fridge, sadly there was no cake." Uriah says as both Tobias and him fake cry. We sit down at the table and eat.
"God this is amazing I didn't know you could cook so well." I say as I stuff my mouth with more food.
"So I think we should divide the serums so we have the right dosage for each person." Tobias says. I look up and see Uriah zoning out.
"Uriah... You there." I say as Tobias waves his hand in front of his face.
"Wha- What oh yeah I'm here sorry I was just thinking of something."
"What were you thinking?" I say.
"Well, I was thinking that we could use the water system to spread the serum, like we could pour the serum into the water fountains and sinks, pretty much anything that spreads water across the city. So when the people take a sip of water the serum will go into their body and they'll get their memory back."
"We could try that. So Tris, you will go and track down Caleb, Christina, and Evelyn. Uriah, you will go and get spray bottles, and I'll figure out the water systems here." I finish my food before they do. I get up and place my plate in the sink. I decide to change my clothes so I head upstairs. As I head up the stairs I hear the stairs below me creak. I swirl around to see Tobias behind me.
"Oh hey, you scared me." I say. He grabs my hand and we head to the bedroom to get changed. I take off my old and torn shirt and throw it on the bed. God aren't there any clothes in this house? I search the dresser drawers and find pants and boxers. I fling open the closet to find a rose colored shirt, like the ones in Amity, and some black pants. Thankfully they kinda fit. Uriah quickly opens the door to our room. I can obviously tell he's freaked out and panicking by the nature of his voice.
"Uh guys, we have a problem."
"What is it?" I say as I slip my shirt on.
"Well, aparently this house wasn't actually abandoned, theres a guy trying to open the door that I baracaded with the fridge." I run to the room across from ours and look through the window that overlooks the front door. I see a man trying to jab his key in the lock which is obviously not working for him, but that's when I notice its not just a man, it's Ben. Oh god.

Hi guys! Sorry I didn't update sooner I'm still writing new chapters




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