Chapter 43: How long will we last?

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Tobias POV

    I continue to stare at the woman. Something about her seems familiar but I can't place what it is. "Who are you?" Evelyn stands up and walks over to us. "We are apart of the experiment refugees, we're here to help you guys and take you to one of our camps." She walks closer to us. "Don't come any closer!" Uriah points his gun at her but she doesn't move. "We can help you guys, your friend there-." Her hand gestures towards Tris' limp body. The word friend doesn't suit her for me. I interrupt her making her nervous. "-Girlfriend." "Girlfriend, over there, can wake up. We can help her if you let us." She comes closer and hovers over Tris. "We have the serum in the truck, I'll go get it." She backs up with her hands above her head and walks outside. "Can we trust her? We've trusted enough people already." Christina asks. "Let's give it a shot, if Tris doesn't wake up then we run." "Okay."

   A few minutes later the woman walks back in holding a vial and a syringe. "Now, she won't wake up for a few hours, it has to work its way throughout her body." I nod. "What did they do to her?" Christina says as she walks closer to me. "There's a serum that not even a Divergent can withstand, it shuts down sight and hearing and paralyzes the host. The person won't wake up until an antidote is given." The woman injects the serum into Tris' bruised arm. "Now, will you come with us?" She looks around at each one of us. I look at Uriah and nod. "Yes, but if this doesn't work, we are leaving." "Alright, I'll have one of our men bring Tris in the truck." "No I'll take her." I say as I interrupt her. I stand up and lift Tris' body into my arms. Pain rushes through my arm but I ignore it. The woman guides us to the truck and everyone else follows behind.

   In the truck sits two men wearing the same clothing as the woman and two benches, one on each side. I sit down on the left side and lay Tris in my lap. Christina hops in first and sits next to me, Uriah and Evelyn follow and sit on the same side. I run my fingers through Tris' hair and stare out at the sky. As the truck engine starts and we drive away, the only thing I can think about is: How long will we last.

Thank you so much for reading! Only a few more chapters left until the ending :)



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