Chapter 30

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   "I think we should keep a close eye on Beatrice Prior, even though we implanted the chip she may be able to overthrow our power due to her high divergence." I stare at Meredith and nod in agreement.
   "If we get lucky and capture the mother I would recommend exterminating the mother and running tests on the baby."
   "How will we find them?" I ask.
   "Simple, just track the chip."
   "Leo, type in the chip number, 452." He types in the numbers and stares at the screen in confusion.
   "Sir, I think you should see this." He gestures for me to look at the screen as I walk closer to him. On the screen is a map with a red dot marking the location of Beatrice Prior.
   "What wrong with this?" I ask still confused. He zooms in closer to where the area around the dot is much larger.
   "Sir, she is at your house. Should we send our troops?"
   "No no, I'll take care of this." I walk out of the office and run to my house. Finally, after sprinting past a whole community, I made it to the front steps of my porch. I take the key out of my pocket and jam it into the lock. A click and a release comes from the door. I push the door but it doesn't budge. What the heck is going on? I push all of my weight onto the door and push it open to find my fridge guarding the door. Everything looks the same except the dishes in the sink which were not there before. I head upstairs to find the closets and drawers raided and the bedroom window wide open. I pull out my phone and contact Meredith.
   "We got three fugitives on foot, one of them being Beatrice. I want her alive. Locate Evelyn Johnson and Caleb Prior, cleanse them and bring them with us, we're going to need them."


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a few days I've been writing a whole bunch of chapters and I'm almost done with the book! You guys are either going to love me or hate me when you read the next few chapters ;) Don't worry I'll post another chapter either tonight or tomorrow. Thank you so much for 4K reads and 100 comments! I love to read your comments so maybe leave me one?

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