Chapter 27

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Tobias POV

   My eyes slowly flutter open as I listen to the sounds of nature. I lean my head over to see Tris leaning against the wall and Uriah next to her fast asleep. I just stare at Tris, she's so beautiful, how could I ever loose her. Her hair falls upon her face like the wind blew against it. Her stomach is a bit larger, I don't know if she's ever uncomfortable because she never shows any discomfort.
   I decide to get up and try to find some food for us. I spot a little cafe across the street from where we are so I head in that direction. The sky is a tint of blue with white fluffy clouds engulfing the blue. Everything looks new, yet old at the same time. The wall has new looking panels outlining the outskirts of the horizon. The ground beneath my feet contains gravel, grass, and dirt, but some parts of the city has pavement. There are vehicles but everyone walks anyway, what's weird is that most of the people walk in unison. I continue to walk until I reach a small cafe. Lu's Cafe is plastered on the wall next to the door and a little sign is hung on the door saying We're Open! I walk past the doors and wait at the front desk.
   "How many?" A woman asks.
   "One please."
   "Okay follow me." She gestures for me to follow her. She leads me to a table and passes me a menu.
   "Your server will be here in a few minutes." She walks away and heads back to her table. I review the menu trying to find something for all of us to eat. I continue to look over the menu until I hear a voice say, "Hello sir, I am your waitress for today." I look up to see Christina standing there.
   "I'm your waitress Christina, what would you like to drink today? Or would you like to order first?" I just sit there staring at her. Her hair is the same, just a little bit longer. She still the beautiful Christina I've come to know. Her voice is the same.
   "Hello? " She says as she waves her hand in front of my face.
   "Oh, sorry I was just thinking about something."
   "About what?" She's still the same old curious Christina but she doesn't remember me.
   "I'm sorry but I need to uh go so I'll come back later, is that alright?" I swiftly stand up and head for the door.
   "Oh okay I'll be here, I'm always here." Once I'm out of the cafe I run back to where Tris and Uriah are. Tris is still asleep but Uriah is just sitting there staring at the sky. I walk over to Tris and rub my hand against her back. Uriah looks over at me then looks back at the sky.
   "Tris, wake up I need to tell you something." Her eyes open to meet mine.
   "What is it?"
   "I found Christina."A smile appears on her face as she brings me into her embrace and kisses me, and I kiss her.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner I've written the next two chapters after this and they are probably the best I've written so far :)

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