Chapter 12

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Tris POV

   I stand in the middle of a hallway. This guy better not be another Jeanine. I look around for Tobias and I finally see him being pushed into my line. I move back slowly, like I did when we were on the train heading to attack Abnegation. Finally I meet Tobias' embrace.
   "We have to get out of here." He whispers.
   "I know, but how?"
   "I don't know, just stay together, don't let them separate us."
   "Women to the left men to the right!" A woman says as she separates Tobias and I.
   "Just don't die, I love you." He says to me as I get pushed into another room. There is a woman sitting at a desk and she looks at me. "Hello Beatrice." She says in a melody voice.
   "What do you need?" I say.
   "We are going to need to do a few tests on you then you will be released, please follow Janet." She points to a woman behind me. I follow her to another room and sit on a table. Tobias will be okay, he isn't a strong Divergent so they will release him. I hope.
   "Beatrice we will have to take your blood and do a few scans before we let you go." My heart starts to race because this reminds me of the time I spent in Erudite. She trys to prick me with a needle and I recoil.
   "Miss Prior this will only take a second." She continues and pricks my arm with a needle to draw my blood. Soon after she leads me into a room with a white, hospital like door.
   "Please lie down." She says, gesturing towards the metal table in the center of the room.
   "I-I don't want to, ple-ease." I say trembling. She ignores my pleas and forces me onto the cold metal table.
   "This will only take a minute Beatrice." The woman says. As I lie there I hear a series of beeps and then its over. The woman walks back into the room soon after.
   "We are going to have to preform a small procedure on you, no biggie, and it shouldn't hurt the baby." She says as she releases a liquid into my blood stream. They know I'm having a baby? Wait no. I can't have a procedure. What are they doing to me? I try to get up but I am pushed down.
   "P- ple-please d-." Dark black spots start to cloud my vision as I stare at the ceiling. The last word that comes to mind before the darkness spills over is, Tobias.


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