Chapter 34

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Tobias POV

   "Now hand her over and no one gets hurt."
   "Four, it's okay, let me deal with this." Tris looks up at me with fear in her eyes. I can't loose her again.
   "No, I already lost you once, I'm not going to loose you again Tris. I couldn't live with myself if I let you go." I stand there with my hand guarding Tris' fragile body. I stare at Ben, who is holding a silver tablet. Don't press that button. Don't press it. Please don't.
   "You made the wrong choice Tobias." At the exact second he presses the tablet screen Tris releases a blood curdling scream and falls to the floor. My instincts rush in as I scramble to the floor and try to jerk her awake. Her screams continue and they don't stop, they get even louder.
   "What did you do to her?!" I scream for him to stop but Tris continues to scream.
   "Tobias, you could have saved her." Uriah drops the box of serums and rushes over to Tris' screaming body. Christina crouches by her head and starts crying. I caress her hair because I don't know what to do. I don't know how to help her.
   "I love you Tris, don't forget that. You die, I die too." Her screams slow and her body becomes limp. I shake her numerous times to wake her but she becomes unresponsive.
   "Tris! Tris wake up please, please wake up Tris, please." A tear falls from my eye and lays on my cheek.
   "Beatrice! What did you do to her you monster!" I spin around to see Ben shoot Caleb and Evelyn in the shoulder and they instantly fall to the ground limp.
   "Christina, Uriah, run now I'll stay with Tris." As they stand up and begin to run they are shot down by Ben's soldiers. My body reacts before my mind. I propel forward to attack Ben but a dart finds my shoulder sending me down to the cold ground. I don't feel any pain, which is the weird part. The darkness takes over my body which makes me feel like I'm flying. Is this what it feels like to die?


   My body jerks awake as my dream ends. Around me are walls of concrete and metal. A window and a door at opposite sides of the room. Uriah lies next to me motionless but his chest is inflating and deflating so at least he's breathing. My shoulder is bandaged and my wrist contains a bracelet with my name on it.
   "Uriah." I say as I reach forward and push his body back and forth to wake him. He stirs and finally wakes.
   "Mmhm what?" He opens his eyes and panics when he realizes we are in a cell.
   "Where are we?"
   "I don't know but we have to find everyone else." I look to the other corner and there lies Caleb motionless.
   "Caleb, get up." I say as I stand up to inspect the cell.
   "Huh, what?" Caleb wipes his eyes and finally comes to.
   "What the heck where are we?" Caleb starts to panic.
   "In a cell stupid." Uriah laughs and plops on the bed. I sit back down on the bed and look out the window at the baby blue sky. If only Tris was here and we were living a normal life. I lie down on the bed and fall asleep.


   "Four wake up! Someone's coming!" Uriah smacks my face and I instantly spring up.
   "What?" I wipe my eyes and see a man approaching the door.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading another chapter :)





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