Chapter 18

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Uriah POV (whaaaaaaat????) <-- 😂

   I gasp for air then I finally calm down. I don't hear voices around me anymore. It's silent. I try to sit up but hit my head on fabric. Great I'm in a bag. I pry the bag open and slowly emerge out of it. Around me stands multiple trays with bags similar to the one I'm in. I'm in a morgue. After looking round for a few minutes I decide to walk towards the door and use the elevator to get to the ER, which is the closest to the exit. As I exit the elevator I see a familiar face. But I don't know if I'm seeing things.
   "Tris?" I say as I walk closer.
   "Oh my god, is it really you?!" She says as she sprints towards me and hugs me. I notice her stomach she must be pregnant, oooo Fours a player.
   "It's me." I say as I hug her back.
   "But how, I thought you died, or that's what Four told me."
   "I thought I did but I woke up in the morgue and came up here." I say still confused at the thought of how I lived. We stand there for a few minutes and she explains everything that happened and where we are. The one thing that I still don't get is how did I get here and how I'm alive.
   "We need help, we need to find this serum in order to get their memories back and escape." Four says as he comes up and hugs me and I hug him.
   "Okay, but how do we get it?"
   "We have to steal it." Tris says as a smirk emerges onto her face.


Omg did you guess it? I've been wanting to bring Uriah back for so long so I did :)

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