Chapter 37

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Tobias POV

   "Why do we need to take her chip out?" Uriah stands in front of me with Christina and Evelyn behind.
   "If we don't take it out now he won't stop following us."
   "Who?" Evelyn asks with confusion written all over her face. I completely forgot, Evelyn has no idea where we are or what happened.
   "Ben, he was the one who put us in here. He wiped our memories and threw us in here to begin new lives in his experiment. Tris was the one that got my memories back. Uriah was already in here. We just got Christina back before Ben got you and Caleb." I try to sum it up without taking too much time. I cradle Tris in my arms and kiss her forehead.
   "Where is Caleb?" Evelyn steps forward and looks at me.
   "He, he didn't make it. He was running with us but he was shot down."
   "Why are you holding Tris?"
   "They drugged her, they were about to take the baby but I get there before they did it. Evelyn I'm sorry but we need to go now if we are going to get out of here."
   "Alright." Evelyn backs up and stands next to Christina.
   "We need to find a surgical room to take her chip out. Where's the nearest room?" Uriah scans the hall and points to a sign.
   "Go back to the ORs." Uriah says.
   "Okay follow me." I start to run and Tris starts to slip through my arms so I have to pick her up again. Christina, Evelyn, and Uriah follow behind. My eyes scan each room and each sign we pass to make sure we are heading the right way. We pass numerous turns and a few guards which Uriah picks off with the gun. The OR door stands in front of us. Thankfully no one has noticed the doctor and the nurse. The door slides open as I push it gently. I place Tris onto the cold table and pull her hair back to see her neck.
   "Uriah guard the door. Christina and Evelyn-."
   "Mother..." Evelyn says annoyed.
   "Fine, Christina and Mother come hold Tris on her side." A scar lies on the back of her neck with a faint blue dot blinking through her skin.
   "The chip is right here we just have to take it out." I point to the spot of the blinking light. Next to me lies a tray with a scalpel and a needle on it. What were they going to do to her? I pick up the scalpel and run my fingers over the handle trying to come up with an idea on what I'm going to do. I could run the blade across her skin and try to pick it out with the edge of the blade. Or I could use the tweezers to pick up the chip.
   "Hold her still and make sure not to move." Christina nods her head as I walk closer to Tris. I take the scalpel and place the blade above her neck.
   "I'm sorry Tris but this will hurt." I hope she can hear me. I push the blade down on her skin creating a pool of blood around the blade. The blade glides across her skin smoothly creating a small opening. I open up the slit I made and find a little chip embedded in the corner with a little blue blinking light.
   "Anyone have tweezers?" I ask. Christina looks around until her eye stop on the counter across the room.
   "There's some on that counter over there." As I walk closer to the tweezers I hear gunshots from the hallway.
   "Hurry up!" Uriah yells as he continues to shoot the guards. I grab the tweezers and run over to Tris. As carefully as I can, I grab the embedded chip and place it on the table next to us. My hands find her back and I lift her into my arms. A bandage secures the cut on her neck.
   "Come on guys we need to go now."


Hey guys :) Thank you so much for reading yet again another chapter! I hope you all have a wonderful day.




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