Chapter 15

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Tris POV

   I wake up on a bed with Tobias fast asleep next to me. I wish I could lie here forever but I know we have to find a way to get everyone's memory back.
   "Tobiasss." I whisper.
   "Hmm, yes Trisssy." He says as he opens his eyes and looks at me. I laugh and I kiss him passionately. We lie there for a moment, its as if nothing is around us like we are alone and free, but soon reality sinks in.
   "I wish we could stay here longer but we have things to do today Tris."
   "I know, I know." I sigh and get up.
   "So how are we going to get Chris, Evelyn and Caleb's memories back and escape?" He says.
   "I don't know. I was thinking that we could find a serum that brings back their memories or get rid of the memory serum and spread it through the air."
   "That's actually not a bad idea." I smile and get up to take a shower. He follows.
   "Can I join?" He says whimpering like a dog. I laugh when I see him try his puppy eyes on me.
   "Fineee." I say laughing. After our shower I get dressed and notice my bump is a bit bigger. It's big enough that someone will either think I'm a bit fat or pregnant.
   "Tobias what should I do about my bump?" I say as I look up at him. He's always been taller than me, I usually have to stand on my tip toes to kiss him.
   "It's fine, no one will notice." He says as he leans down and fits his lips with mine. We stand there for a few seconds before he releases and rests his hand on my shoulder.
   "Let's go to the library and see if there is a serum that can cure the memory serum. If I can be broken out of it so can they."


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