Chapter 46: A new Begining

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FourTris :)

Tris POV

   "Hey guys time to go. I'll have Gus show you around." Tobias reaches his hand down to help me up and I gladly accept it. As he pulls me up I put pressure on my foot. Pain rushes through my leg causing me to fall back onto the bench. "Oh right, your leg, I'm sorry." "It's okay." He lifts me up and carries my broken body out of the truck.

   "So I'm Gus, I'll be showing you newbies around camp alright?" Tobias walks up to Chris, Uri, and Evelyn, who are standing in front of the man talking. Gus walks us through camp showing us where each spot is. "Over here we have the restrooms." We walk past a little concrete building. "And over here we have the living tents." A few large tents and a few a bit smaller cover a few acres. "And the last place on our tour is the cafeteria." A small building with a large open interior with chairs and tables sits in front of us. "Now, we were able to get each of you a tent right next to each other, Tobias and Tris you are in tent 31, Uriah you are in tent 32, Christina you are in tent 33, and Evelyn you are in tent 34. If you need anything you know where to find me."

Tobias walks past a whole bunch of tents counting down the numbers as he goes. "23 - 29 - 30 - aha! 31. Here we are, malady." I giggle as he walks towards our tent. "You know I can be funny sometimes." He says. "I know, I've seen it before." I smile. The tent is already unzipped and ready for us to come in. Inside the red tent is a little crib and a bed for us. "Aww they even gave us a crib." Tobias lies me down on the bed and I sit up. He walks over to the crib and fiddles with the little handles. "I can't wait to begin our little family." As he talks something wet trails down the back of my leg which makes me panic at first but then I realize. "Well I don't think we have to wait anymore." He looks over at me and I smile.


Thank you all so much for reading this book I created! I'm so happy that someone actually read it and enjoyed it. Don't worry! There will be another book :) I'm writing chapters right now that are a lot longer than these (Sorry about the very short chapters) I have an idea for an ending for the next one that might lead into a third book. (I KNOW THATS AWESOME) *Sorry it wont*So the first chapter of the next book will be released within the next few weeks. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Oh! Make sure to check my account for updates about my books.


Enjoy this rough draft description of my next book A New "Life": One Choice.
Two years after the events of A New "Life", life has gone back to normal. Everyone has found a place to settle down and to continue their lives like nothing has happened. Now that Tris and Four have a two year old daughter they have to watch out for everything, even if that means Ben coming back. They didn't expect it, no one did. But it happened, Ben came back. He came back stronger than ever and breaks apart her family one by one. Ben gives Tris two choices. To choose between herself, and her family. Will she choose to save herself? Or her family. Find out now, in A New "Life": One Choice.

*This book is so bad 😂 I wrote this a year ago when I thought it would be cool to make Tris pregnant... I'm so sorry for making you all cringe with my very first fan fiction and very short chapters and a weird storyline 😂😂*

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