Chapter 38

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   After I inject Tris with a serum I head out of the room. My hands wipe across my shirt and my body stops at the door of the operating room.
   "Make sure she doesn't wake up we need the child, if all else fails put the chip in the child, got it?"
   "Yes sir I will do as you ask."
   "Good, now get to work." The doctor heads over to Tris' body and places a tube in her mouth for intubation. My pocket starts to vibrate as I pick up my phone. 
   "What do you need Mer?"
   "We have a soldier down in sector four and a possible break out of a patient, should I sound the alarms?" They wouldn't be able to break out of here. I start to laugh hysterically when I realize they actually can break out of here.
   "Sound the alarms do anything you can to stop them."
   "Yes sir." The line beeps dead. I lean against the wall and close my eyes for a second to catch a break from the chaos. A nurse walks out from the OR room.
   "We finished the procedure should we continue with plan b?"
   "Nah you can leave her, we got what we wanted."
   "You know your mother would be proud of you sir." An anger builds up inside of me the instant she mentions my mother.
   "YEAH WELL SHE WOULD BE ALIVE RIGHT NOW IF THEY DIDN'T KILL HER." My fist finds the wall of the hallway out of anger. I slow my breaths and calm down.
   "Don't worry, she'll feel sorry for what she did."
   "Now prep her for preservation."
   "Yes sir." I could have saved my mother, she told me to get out of Chicago so I wouldn't be caught up in her plan. She risked her life to do what was right, to get rid of the ones who messed up her life. Tris deserves what she is going to get for killing my mother, Jeanine.


Hey guys! I hope you all had a wonderful day :)



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