Chapter 9

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Tris POV

   We sit there and snack on a little sandwiches that he brought. What if this doesn't work. He will never remember me. He will never know his child. We will never get out of here. I would never forgive myself. I wait a minute trying to figure out what to say.
   "So, the reason I asked you to come and meet with me is because I need to ask you something." I say as I fidgit with my hands.
   "What's up?" He says.
   "Do I look familiar to you?" I say. I look up at him, I look into his beautiful eyes.
   "I'm sorry but no you don't. Did i know you?" He says looking at me.
  "Well, its a long story but, yes." I say.
   "Just please try to think really hard, please for me."
   "Do... Do you remember being next to a net in Dauntless and helping a girl with a grey outfit on out of the net?"
   "No." He says sternly.
   "Do you remember kissing a girl on a rock by water?"
   "N-no." A bead of sweat collects at the top of his forehead. Is this actually working?
   "Do you remember cuddling with that girl in the Amity dormatories?"
   "Wh- why do I have to answer these silly questions? I think I'll be going now." He stands up and starts to turn around.
   "Do you remember You die, I die too?" He falls to his knees and brings his hands up to his forehead?


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