Chapter 40: Where is everyone?

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Hehe Four T ;)

Tobias POV

My arms find Tris' back once again and I lift her up with all of my strength and carefulness. I carry Tris out of the room and run with everyone else. She looks so fragile, like she could snap like a twig at any moment. Uriah comes to a stop in front of a staircase. "I think we lost them." Christina looks around the hallway. "We need to find a way out of here." "It looks like the exit is up there." Uriah points to the staircase behind him. "Stop right there." I turn around to find a heavy armored soldier stands in front of us with his gun pointed at Tris and I.

Everything happens so fast. Uriah shoots the man, as the man falls onto the floor his gun goes off. The bullet grazes the top of my right arm and goes straight into Tris left leg. My arm becomes numb causing Tris' body to fall through my arms and smack into the ground below us. I lean down, pick Tris back up, and wipe the blood off my arm. Her leg is bleeding a lot which causes me to panic. "Oh my god! Are you guys okay?" Christina, Uriah and Evelyn run up to us. "Here let me help." Christina wraps Tris' ankle with her sock. Her blood soaks through the sock after a minute but I ignore it for now. "Yeah we're fine for now we just need to get out of here." "C'mon up here." Uriah runs up the stairs with all of us following. Tris starts to slip out of my grip. I slide her back up into my arms and kiss her forehead. Uriah pushes the door open and holds it open for us.

The sky is a light blue with a few white fluffy clouds floating above. The ground is pavement and gravel mixed. We stand there looking around at our surroundings. The alarms stop for some reason. The weird thing is that there are no guards outside. "Wouldn't they be looking for us?" Evelyn looks around until she meets my eyes. Then it hits me, he's letting us go. "He doesn't need us anymore, he's letting us go." I kiss Tris' forehead and she still doesn't move which makes me nervous. What if we can't wake her up? We walk down the street of houses, no citizens in sight. "Where is everyone?" Everyone remains silent as we walk past numerous empty houses. The houses look like they were raided. "What happened?" "I don't know..." A concerned look from me makes everyone nervous.


Hey guys! Only 6 chapters away from the ending are you excited?



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