Chapter 4

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Tris POV

I can't see anything. My whole body hurts especially my head. I start to think of Tobias but I start to forget his name, who he is, who he was. I try to think of something else but I can't, its like my mind suddenly became empty. I can't move at all, no matter how much I try so I give up and lie there helplessly.
"What did you do to her?" I hear someone scream but I can't put a name to it.
"No! Not again!" A few seconds later I hear some sort of scream. After awhile everything becomes silent and I hear someone say "Take them to the cells until they are ready for replacement." Footsteps emerge from the silence and come  near my ear, something cold lifts me off the ground. A little while later the cold presence leaves my back and I hear a click. Soon after my eyes open and adjust to the lights. The first thought is: Where am I? I stare at the cealing for awhile trying to price things together.
My name is T- Tr- Tris? I am from- from -from Abnegation and transfered to Dauntless?-I think. That's where I met Four-Tobias? . Tobias is my boyfriend. We are having a baby. I saved the city. I was injected with a serum. It didn't effect me like the others. Because I am divergent. After a few hours I regained my full memory back and I start to understand what's happening.  Ben only brought us here to be apart of his experiment. He doesn't know that the serum didn't effect me. I have to find Tobias. My thoughts are interrupted by a click from the door and a man walks in. Ben.
"Hello Beatrice how are you feeling?" He says with comfort.
Right right I'm supposed to be a confused girl who just had her memory wiped. Wait did he just call me Beatrice?
"I'm feeling fine, where am I?" I say trying to act confused.
"No need to worry, you just had a little fall. We will bring you home soon." He says trying to be all reasurring. I really wanna punch this guy. Soon after Ben left another man escorts me to a new house. Inside is a bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom.  I run to the restroom and throw up, probably the pregnancy or stress. I'm still surprised no one caught on that I'm pregnant. I'll have to keep it a secret. I hear footsteps coming from upstairs so I walk up to investigate. The sight shocks me, a man putting something in a dresser and he notices me too. But he's not shocked or scared, he's relieved.
"Beatrice! I'm so glad your okay!" He says and he walks over to me and kisses me on the lips.


Stay awesome



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