Chapter 29: Part 2

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Christina POV

   A woman and a little girl stands in front of me. I can't move, I just stand there. I try to speak but nothing comes out. I just watch, like a movie theater, you sit and watch the movie.
   "We will be proud of you no matter what, just please keep your family in mind Christina." The woman looks into my eyes and then the scene shifts to a little girl.
   "Love you sister."
   "Love you too." I sit in a row of people wearing black and white clothing. A man stands on a stage in front of the rows. Surrounding us are a sea of people wearing a rainbow of colors, all segregated in their group of colors.
   "Christina, Candor." A man calls. I stand up and walk towards the stage. My hands at my side. My eyes on the stage. Sitting on the stage are five bowls. Each one contains a different element. Water, lit coals, stones, glass, and dirt. As I walk onto the stage the man hands me a knife. I glide the knife across the palm of my hand and a dribble of blood appears. I look at each bowl carefully then place my hand above the bowl containing lit coals. A drip of blood falls into the bowl causing the coals to make a sizzling sound.
   "Dauntless." The crowd cheers as I walk towards the section of people wearing black. The rest of the ceremony flys past my eyes then comes to a stop when the man calls a name.
   "Beatrice Prior, Abnegation." A small and fragile girl wearing all grey emerges from the grey section and proceeds towards the stage. The man hands her a knife and she accepts it. She stands there for a moment as blood starts to pool into her palm. She holds her hand above the bowl containing stones but abruptly shifts her hand over the the bowl with lit coals and the blood drips.
  "Dauntless." Everyone cheers except the crowd she came from.
   The scene shifts to a train gliding across the tracks above the city. A girl wearing grey jumps onto the train and bumps into my side.
   "Sorry." She says as she plops next to me obviously embarrassed. We sit there for a minute until I break the silence.
   "You made it, I'm Christina." I smile and look at her.
   "I'm Beatrice." She says as she smiles. The scene shifts to a man standing in front of a net and around 9-10 people standing around me looking at the man.
   "I'm Four." The man says as he looks at us.
  "Four? Like the number." I say as I laugh.
   "Exactly like the number." He says as he steps closer to me. Another scene flashes in front of my eyes. Two guys sit across from me and the girl Beatrice sits next to me.
   "What, haven't you seen a hamburger before?" I say as I pick up a piece of meat.
   "Yeah, I've just never eaten one." She says. The scene flashes before my eyes and a new scene appears.
   I stand next to a man, Four, who looks a bit older and is wearing white clothing. A woman, Beatrice, who is also a bit older and wears pearl white clothing. She stands in front of us worried.
   "Tris, Uriah's... dead." Four says as he steps closer to Tris. She stands there obviously in shock.
   "Wh-wha-what?" She falls to her knees and sobs. I run up to her and hold her in my embrace. Four, Tris, and I sit there hugging for what seems a century until Tris breaks the silence.
   "Ho-how d-did he die? I was onl-only gone for an hour he was get- getting better." She looks up at us with tear stained cheeks.
   "His heart stopped and they tried and tried but they couldn't bring him back, I'm so sorry, I know how much of a friend he was to you, to all of us." I look at Four and for the first time a tear falls from his eye and he breaks down crying. We all continue to hug each other. The scene shifts to a wall. Around me are Tris, Four, and two other people. Everyone is sprawled across the floor accept for me and five men dressed in armored suits. A man walks up to me and holds a vial in front of my face.
   "Please don't do this, please." I say trying to plead for my life. I frantically try to escape but one of the men holds me down.
   "It's already done." He quickly injects my neck with the serum and my vision instantly turns to black.


   A bright light shines through my eyelids forcing my eyes to open. In front of me stands a woman and two men, the same people from earlier.
   "Did it work?" The woman says.
   "I don't know."
   "Christina... Do you remember us?" I continue to look at them. I look at the girl, Blond shoulder length hair, blue eyes, very similar to the girl I saw a little bit ago. I look at the two men, one with soft chocolate skin and the other tan skin. I stare at them, not saying a word. They walk closer to me.
   "Chris?" The girl comes closer and looks into my eyes.
   "Please Chris, please remember me." The way her voice flows the way she walks looks and sounds exactly like Tris, the one I hugged, the one I cried with, the one I became sisters with.
   "Tris?" I say confused.
   "Oh my god! Oh my god it worked! It worked!" She frees my body from the chair and hugs me tighter than she has ever before. We stand the for a while hugging each other then we finally sit down and talk.
   Some memories comes back to me after sitting with Tris. I stare at the man, who Tris made sit in the corner, for a long time. I stand up and continue to stare at him as I walk over to him. He looks like the man in the visions I saw, the one who is the instructor, the one who Tris loves, Four.
   "Four?" I say as I get closer to him. He looks up at me and shockingly smiles.
   "Wait you remember me?" He says.
   "Ye-yeah I think so." I say as he gets up and hugs me.
   "Do you remember him?" He asks gesturing towards the man with the chocolate skin. I look at him, something about him reminds me of a friend I saw in the visions but he is dead, Four told Tris and I that he was dead, it can't possibly be him. As he walks closer to me his face glowing in the light.
   "Wait, Uriah, is that actually you?" I walk closer to him.
   "You remembered!" He runs up to me and hugs me as well.
    "But you- you were- dea-dead." I touch him and hug him even tighter now that I know he is real.
   "I was but I'm I'm- not, it's a long story I'll tell you later." He says. We all sit together for a while in the cafe. Tris tells me everything that has happened since I've been gone. I still can't believe I've been gone for so long, Tris is almost 5 months pregnant, last time I saw her she was 2 months.
   "Where's Caleb and Evelyn?" I ask.
   "We don't know yet, we got lucky when we found you." She looks at me with glowing eyes and smiles. After a little while everyone, except myself, had fallen asleep. I just lie there and stare at the ceiling until I close my eyes.


Hey guys! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter :) I'm planing to end this book on chapter 46 ;) and I already have the ending planned, you guys may hate me you may not, you'll just have to wait, but here's a little sneak peek: There may be a sequel ;) (A/N: There is a sequel)

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