Chapter 33

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Tris POV

   Images flow past my eyes of Tobias and I. The first image is of Tobias picking me up off of the net when I jumped first. The next image that appears is of Tobias and I kissing on the rocks by the chasm. Then it shifts to the time when we went in his fear landscape together and I learned his real name. Then it shifts to the time when he saved me from being attacked. Then to us holding hands on the train. Me breaking him out of his simulation. Us working in Amity. When he helped save me from Erudite. When we kissed at the bureau. Our first date in the plaza. Moving into our new apartment together. Us kissing after finding out about Melanie. Our date at the park when I brought his memories back. Then the blinding light appears. I feel a hand on my back but the light is all I see. I can't move, but I know I have to be breathing if I'm alive. Am I alive? An alarm blares in my ears and shouts ring.
   "Let's go Uriah, we have to find Christina and Evelyn. Leave him he's gone." Someone familiar screams. Who's gone?An alarm continues to sound in my ears as my body jolts up and down to the movement of running. Wait who's holding me?
   "Stop!" Whoever is holding me jolts to a stop. I hear a gun being shot and then a thump. My body jolts forward and continues to bounce up and down.
   "Uriah, what's the room number you saw on the screen?"
   "180." My body halts to a stop.
   "Uri take Tris I got this. I swear to God if you drop her or she gets hurt I'll kill you."
   "Okay, okay I got it go get them." My body moves to Uriah's arms and the footsteps fade away.
   "Hey Tris, you probably can't hear me right now, but if you can, I'm so sorry about Caleb. We were running down the hall trying to find the room Christina and Evelyn are in when a guard shot him down. We got to you in time they were about to take the baby but we shot them down." It's as if my heart broke in two. Even though I hated my brother for what he did to me, I still loved him dearly. Maybe that's why I saw him in that vision. I try so hard to move anything but it doesn't seem to work because he doesn't say anything. It seems like an hour has passed. Alarms still blaring. An arm is still around me.
   "Christina! Where's Four and Evelyn?" I feel my body rise and move forward as the conversation becomes louder.
   "He's coming, he told me to come out here and find you guys. Where's Tris? Oh god, oh god is she alive?" Her footsteps come closer and I feel a coldness on my cheek.
   "We don't know, she's breathing, but we don't know how to wake her up, we don't even know if she can hear us right now, or if she is ever going to wake up. They did something to her but I'm not sure what, they sure did drug her good." I listen for more voices, for a sign of Tobias, but after awhile I still don't hear him.


Thank you so much for 5k views! Ahh I love you guys! I'm planning to make my next book chapters longer so you guys won't get really shot chapters :)

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