Chapter 35

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Tobias POV

   "Caleb go hide behind the bed, Uriah go to the right side of the door, Now!" I sprint to the left side of the door.
   "You know what to do." He nods and we wait for the door to release and open. A series of clicks and the door swings open. We take the man down instantly. I grab the man's gun and yell for Caleb to come.
   "We need to find Tris first." Uriah nods and keeps an eye on Caleb.
   "Where would they keep her?" Uriah asks.
   "I don't know but I'll find her, I always do." We continue to walk forward and take several turns until I stumble upon a sign. Displayed on the wall is a chart with patients on it. I scan the chart for Tris.
   "Guys look, I found her." I point to the name Beatrice Prior, OR 2. Why is she in an OR?  (A/N: OR means Operating Room)
   "Four, why is she in an OR?" Caleb stares at me.
   "I have no clue but we need to get to her now." Uriah points to a sign that reads OR's with an arrow pointing to the right hallway. We pass numerous doctors and nurses and military men unsuspicious of us. After a few minutes of walking we make it to the doors of the OR's.
   "Uriah stay here I got this, watch Caleb." I open the doors to find two separate doors. I look into the window of the door that reads 2 and find Tris strapped to the table with a tube in her mouth and her stomach exposed. What... A man dressed in blue scrubs walks in the room with a woman wearing a lighter blue outfit. Before the man can grab the scalpel that is lying on the table next to him, I storm into the room with my gun drawn. The man, obviously startled, swirls around and throws his hands up.
   "Step away from the table now or I swear I'll shoot." The man and woman step away and I run up to Tris. Her hair is sprawled across her face and her eyelids are taped shut. She's still breathing.
   "Take this out of her mouth." I point my gun at the woman. The woman whimpers as she shuffles over to Tris and removes the tube from her mouth. I take the end of my gun and ram it into her head causing her to fall back and pass out. The man tries to run but I shoot him in the foot. He falls and slams his head into the floor causing him to become limp. I throw the gun over my shoulder and unplug all of the wires that are connected to Tris' small body. My hand finds her back and I lift her up off the bed and carry her bridal style. Her head flops to the side and rests on my arm.
   "It's okay baby I got you, don't worry." I kiss her forehead and run out of the room. As soon as Caleb and Uriah see me walk out with Tris they sprint over to me.
   "What the hell happened?" Uriah takes the gun from my back and grasps it in his arms.
   "They were trying to take the baby, I got there before they could do anything to her."
   "Why is she not moving?" A worried look on Caleb's face appears.
   "They drugged her, but I'm pretty sure it's not going to ware off any time soon."
   "We need to find the others and get the hell out of here." Uriah stands there and looks at Tris. Alarms blow up my eardrums a few seconds later.
   "Go, Now!" We sprint down the hallway and turn the corner. Uriah stops in his tracks and scans a screen with numbers and names on it.
   "Go, go I know where they are follow me." Uriah runs in front of me and Caleb runs behind. As we turn the corner a soldier screams for us to stop. I should have done something. We continue to run but Caleb is sniped down. To our surprise he's still breathing but there's nothing we can do, he's to far gone. Uriah bends down and feels his pulse.
   "Let's go, Uriah we have to find Christina and Evelyn. Leave him he's gone." Uriah stands up and continues to run in the same path as before. Tris' body rests in my arms as we continue to run. She doesn't move anything but her breaths are even. We turn the corner and a man demands us to put our weapons down. Uriah shoots, hitting him in the shoulder blade and sending him down onto the cold floor. My grip becomes stronger on Tris' body to make sure she is secure.
   "Uriah, what's the room number you saw on the screen?" Over the loud alarms it sounds like a whisper.
   "180." The room we are looking for is literally right next to us and we didn't even notice.
   "Over here!" Uriah runs up next to me.
   "Uri take Tris I got this. I swear to God if you drop her or she gets hurt I'll kill you."
   "Okay, okay I got it go get them." I hand Tris over to Uriah's arms and take the gun from him. I take one more glance at Tris's face and I turn the corner.


Hey guys! Hope your enjoying this so far!





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