Chapter 21

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Uriah POV

   As I walk out of the room I spot a doctor. Don't screw this up. Don't screw this up. I watch as the doctor heads towards a hallway that isn't well lit. I walk behind him, slowly, to not draw attention to myself. He doesn't notice me until he turns the corner and my fist collides with his face. A slight umph could be heard if someone was standing near but thankfully no one was. I punch him over and over again until he is knocked out cold, then I steal his lab coat and badge. I slip on the jacket, which happens to be the perfect size for me, and clip on the badge.
   "Sorry." I say as I walk out of the hallway. I keep on walking forward until I find a sign that points me in the direction of the pharmacy. Turn right. After a few minutes of walking I reach the pharmacy.
   "Hi, I need all the doses you have of Memelor GH 12 we got a very sick patient that needs it, he's like dying right now." I say.
   "Okay, Mr....Kalian." He says as he looks at my badge. The man heads back and grabs a box full of tiny bottles of the serum.
   "We only have 14 full doses of Memelor GH 12."
   "That's fine." I take the box and head back to the room Four and Tris are in. When I make it back, I open the door to find a doctor in there. But what catches me off guard is that Tris is crying and Four is holding her hand. What did I miss?
   "It's okay doctor, I'll take it from here." I say, my voice trembling. The doctor swiftly gets up and leaves the room.
   "What's wrong?" I say as I rush to comfort Tris.


What do you think happened? I want to see if anyone can guess it right :)

Thank you all so much for loving this story! I may not post as often because I havent gotten a lot of time to write more chapters so bear with me.

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