Chapter 20

589 41 7

Tris POV

   Finally the two knuckleheads finish their cake and it's time to execute our plan. We head to the ER silently, not to draw attention. When we get there, we walk up to the counter and request assistance.
   "How may I help you?" The woman at the counter says.
   "Hi, yes, my stomach has been hurting all day. I think I'm starting to get the flu." I say as I fake coughing and grasping my stomach. It's so hard not to laugh while trying to act.
   "Okay, follow me please. Excuse me but you cannot come back here without clearance." She says, pointing to Uriah and Tobias.
   "No, no they have to come with me I won't go back there without them." I say pleading with the woman.
   "Fine." She says. She leads us to a room and places a band on my wrist. "The doctor will be in shortly." Once the woman leaves I look up Uriah.
   "Okay, Uriah it's go time. Look for the serum named Memelor GH 12 and grab a whole bunch of it, we need as much as we can get. Oh and please don't get caught." I say.

"When have I ever been caught?" He says as he winks at us. You two stay here, I'll be back." He walks out of the room. Hopefully he can pull this off.


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