Chapter 26

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Tris POV

   I run and yell for Tobias to get out of the shower. As I walk in he's already out and dressed and has a worried look on his face.
   "What's wrong Tris?"
   "Its Ben, he's-he's here we need to get out now." I say frantically. I search around for an exit that Ben would not see us leave from but the only one I find is the window in the bedroom. I gesture my hand towards the window.
   "Let's go guys! We have to go." I say as I try to jam the window open. Uriah sees me stuggle and comes to help. He jams the window open with a plunger from the bathroom and tosses the plunger onto the bed. Uriah is the first one out onto the roof, he slowly but steadily slides down the angled shingles until he drops to the floor while holding the box of serums and flips his thumb up for us to go. I'm next. I step out of the window and slide down carefully. I jump down and Uriah catches me.
   "Nice catch." I say and I thank him. Tobias is next. He slowly comes down shaking.
   "Four its alright, just drop its not that far." I say trying to reassure him.
   "I-i don't think I can do this." He says as he starts to back up.
   "Four, stop being such a pansy-cake!" Uriah chants.
   "Four you got this, if I can do it, you can do it. Okay?" I say and he looks at me.
   "O-Okay." He continues to slide his body down the roof until he meets the drop. He closes his eyes and let's himself go. He lands on his feet and keeps his eyes closed.
   "Am I on the ground yet?" He says. His whole body shakes in terror.
   "Your fine." I wrap my arms around him and fit my lips to his.
   "Guys, sorry to interupt this 'beautiful and touching' moment but we gotta go." We split apart and start running. We keep running until our feet give out, well until mine give out, and then we stop. We somehow managed to get to the wall and find an alley way, almost like the one in Chicago where the factionless would scavenge for food and clothing. I plop myself onto the floor and slow my breathing.
   "Tris, you okay?" Tobias sits down next to me and leans my head against his shoulders.
   "Ye-eah just a bit winded that's all." We sit there and stare into the sky, which has darkened now, and I slowly drift away.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating as often, I've been busy with school so I haven't gotten a chance to write new chapters, I'm currently writing chapter 28 so a new chapter will be out in a few days :)

I need to know if you'd like a new chapter! Just comment and vote so I know you want another 




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