Chapter 42: Do you think she'll ever wake up?

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Tobias POV

We decide to sit in one of the houses for a few minutes to catch our breaths. I lie Tris onto the dining room table and place a pillow under her head to make her comfortable. My hand caress her soft yet tangled hair until Christina walks over to the table with a first aid kit. "Sit." She points to the old chair next to me. I sit while looking at Tris and place my arm in front of her. She stares at the wound on my arm for a few seconds then comes up with an answer. "Looks like it was only a graze, you'll be fine." She takes a bandage from the kit and places it around my arm. "Don't take it off." I nod and look back at Tris. "Got it." She turns around and faces Tris' motionless body.

"Do you think she'll ever wake up?" She says as she looks at her face. "I don't know." She walks over to her ankle, which is still bleeding through the sock, and unwraps the bloody sock. She throws the sock onto the ground and continues her work. Christina wipes her leg off and grabs a safety pin off the table. "What are you doing with that?" I ask frightened. "Well we don't have stitches and the wound has to close or it won't stop bleeding." "How do you know so much about medical stuff?" I ask. "Oh well when I was younger they had a medical program at Erudite for other factions so I went and learned basic tasks." She pauses for a moment. "This should stop it for now but she will need help soon." I nod and rest my head by Tris' face. "I love you, don't forget that, and I love you too Melanie." I kiss her forehead and then her stomach. I step back and watch as she takes the pin and closes the wound. Tris' face flinches. "Wait, did you see that?" I ask. "No. See what?" My head turns towards Uriah when I hear shouting and a few footsteps coming closer to the house.

"Guys we should go." As soon as I turn around, a woman wearing clothing like the Factionless stands in the doorway of the house. Apparently she can tell we are scared. "It's alright." She places her hands up like she is about to be shot. "We're here to help you guys."

Only 4 more chapters until the ending! Excited?



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