Chapter 19

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Tris POV

After talking for a bit we decide to go sit in the cafeteria. Tobias and Uriah both find chocolate cake and eat it as I explain the plan I have in mind.
"So, I will go into the ER and say that I have stomach pains. Four will act as my husband." Tobias smiles.
"And Uri you'll be my brother."
"Oooooh." He says as he stuffs his face with more cake.
"Shut up." I say as I punch his arm and his cake falls to the ground.
"NOOO." He pleads for the cake to live but he gives up while Tobias and I are laughing.
"Okay let me finish, You two will insist on staying with me and I'll say that I won't go back without you guys. Then when we get back there Four will stay with me and Uri will take down a doctor without anyone seeing. You'll need to work fast to change into the doctor's outfit. Uri will find the serum in the meds. And I'll say that I'm feeling better and we'll leave." I say as I look at the two of them eating cake. Uriah managed to take some of Tobias' cake.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Uriah says as he stuffs his mouth with more cake.
"It's our only shot." I say.
"Let's do this."


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