Chapter 31

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Tris POV

   I wake up to Tobias wrapping his arm around my waist.
   "Hey babe." He says as I turn to look into his beautiful eyes.
   "We're heading out, the cafe owner is going to come soon and we can't let her find us here." I nod and we both sit up. Uriah grabs the box of serums and I try to help Christina with the chairs and the mess in the back room but she shoos me away.
   "Tris you shouldn't be helping you need to take it easy."
   "Fine." I walk out of the back room and sit on a booth. After a few minutes they finish and gather their stuff.
   "Tris lets go." Tobias reaches his hand down to help me up. I walk out with Christina and Tobias stands near Uriah chatting about their precious cake.
   "So Chris, how was life here?" I ask as we walk around the corner. In the corner of my eye I see a black blob so I turn my head to see what it is.
   "Well, well, well, nice to see you again, Beatrice." Ben says as he walks closer to us. Ben stands about thirty feet away from us with four of his men holding two people with bags on their heads.
   "What do you want from us?" I say as I step closer to Tobias. Ben gestures towards the men grasping the two people.
   "I think this is very valuable to you." The men yank the bags off of their heads and turn them around to face us.
   "Beatrice!" Caleb?
   "Tobias where are we?" Evelyn says as she tries to break free from the mans grasp but fails.
   "What are you doing with them?" Tobias says as he comes closer, to protect me.
   "We want her." Ben points his finger towards me. My heart drops. Not again.
   "That's never going to happen." Tobias' hand finds mine and we stand there hand in hand with Tobias' body blocking me from any danger.
   "Are you sure about that? You see I have something that you don't." He pulls out a silver tablet and waves it in the air.
   "Now hand her over and no one gets hurt."
   "Four, it's okay, let me deal with this." I look into his eyes.
   "No, I already lost you once, I'm not going to loose you again Tris. I couldn't live with myself if I let you go."
   "You made the wrong choice Tobias." Everything seems to slow down. Ben's hand finds the screen of the tablet and at that moment a flood of pain rushes through my body. A pain that is unbearable. The ground meets my body within seconds and my hearing goes because of my loud screams.
   "Tobias, you could have saved her." The pain is at the same level of being shot multiple times or being run over by a car. Every sound goes through one ear and comes out the other. Before the pain becomes to unbearable where I black out, i see an image of a little girl running in a field of flowers with a man and a woman.
   "I love you Tris, don't forget that. You die, I die too."


Hey guys! Oooh we are getting close to the end, I'm currently writing chapter 39 so I'm almost done with the book ;) Thank you so much for reading so far!

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