Chapter 7

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Tobias POV
   "So what will we need to start this up?" Jim says as I sip a bit of my water.
   "Well we will-" "Tobias?" Someone says, interrupting Jim. I swirl around to see a beautiful woman, a bit young, but not much younger than I am. She has beautiful big blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair. I just stare at her. She stares at me. I feel like I've seen her before.
   "Oh Tobias this is my wife Beatrice." Jim says as he takes her hand and brings her closer to me. The way she looks at him and takes his hand suggests that she doesn't like him.
   "Hello, I'm Tobias." I say as I reach my hand out to hers. She takes it and holds on a bit longer than I expected. The name Beatrice sounds familiar but I still can't figure out where I've heard it before.
   "Oh! Tobias, would it be alright if I step out for a few minutes? I have to take this call." Jim says as he picks up his ringing phone. I nod and turn back around to find her staring at me so I stare back.
   "Tobias, do you remember me?" She says as her glowing eyes meet mine.
   "No?" I say dissapointing her.
   "Its okay." She says with a tear forming in her eye. Jim walks back inside, sliding his phone in his pocket.
   "Well, I should be going, Amy is going to be worried if I don't get home soon." I say as I head towards the door.
   "That's fine we can figure this out tomorrow." I close the door behind me and start to walk down the street. I turn around and see Beatrice standing behind me.
   "Tobias, is there any possible way you can meet me at the park tomorrow at 11?" She says. Should I go? I just met her today...
   "Sure." I say and I walk away.

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