Chapter 32

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Tris POV

Slowly the heaviness on my body disappears and my eyes adjust to the bright lights. Ben stands above me with two other men. My arms and feet are strapped to the table with an IV running through my veins.
"Ah Beatrice, how nice to see you again."
"My names Tris." I'm sick of being called Beatrice.
"Fine, Tris."
"What do you want from me, from us?" I stare at him.
"Oh nothing important... We just want your daughter, she's very valuable to our society."
"How is she very valuable?"
"Well when a child is born of two divergent parents, they have a special gene that makes them way more powerful than their parents. It has only happened a few times in our lifetime and I've never seen one up close." He walks closer to the table and taps the IV bag making it drip more.
"Your never touching my child." I try to move but it doesn't work.
"Where's Four."
"Don't worry you'll be with him after we have the child." I try my hardest to break free of the restraints but he puts his hand on my shoulder and pushes me down.
"We're not done yet." A smirk appears on his face. A woman with silky blond shoulder length hair walks in the room holding a silver tray. She walks closer to Ben and he takes a syringe from the tray and comes closer to the table.
"Now this won't hurt at all, you'll see Tobias soon." He walks to the side of the table.
"Please just don't hurt her, hurt me not her, let her go."
"It's not that easy Tris." He takes the IV bag off and disconnects it from my arm. He holds the syringe above my arm and slides it into the vein. My whole body becomes lead. A darkness pulls me down with it. My mother stands in front of me. Her clothes stained with blood and two holes above her waist. Her hair is frozen but her face is glowing.
"Beatrice." Her voice flows with melody.
"Mom." I run up to her and hug her harder than I've ever hugged her before.
"Beatrice your not ready here, you can't be, you have to take care of your family." I hug her until I see Caleb walk out of the darkness.
"Caleb? What are you doing here?"
"Beatrice you have to go."
"No, no, no I won't Caleb, you have to come with me."
"I can't, my time is done here but yours is not, Four is waiting for you." He runs up to me and hugs me.
"I love you Beatrice, never forget that."
"I love you too." Tears stream down my cheeks as my mother stands next to my brother.
"Now go Beatrice, you'll see us again someday." Everything flashes before my eyes until a light pulls me forward. My whole world feels numb. No pain. Nothing to feel. Nothing to see except a bright light blinding my eyes.


I'm really happy I just wrote the very last chapter of this fanfic! (I write chapters in advance and I ended up finishing the book today) Which is my very first writing I've EVER done! Im really glad you guys are enjoying this but your legit gonna kill me when you read my plans for the next book. (This book will end on chapter 46)

Just to let you guys know, I post a new chapter once my last chapter reaches 50 views :)

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