Chapter 45: The same dream

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Tris POV

In front of me stands a man. He walks out of the shadows holding a little girl. Ben stands in front of me holding a little girl. Short blonde hair, a lot like mine, and has big blue eyes. "Where's Mamie?" She asks as she looks into Ben's eyes. "Don't worry sweetheart, we are your family now." "Bwut I want Mamie!" She tries to squirm out of his grasp but he holds onto her. "Come and get her." Two men walk out of the shadows and take the girl from Ben's arms. "I want Mamie and Daddi!" She screams as they take her away. As she is taken away I get a glimpse of her face, tear stained, but beautiful. "This is the best idea I've ever had." He says as he walks out of view.


The same dream every day. Every time I fall asleep, the same dream plays over and over in my mind. I still can't put the pieces together. Who is the little girl? Who is her mom and dad? Why does Ben have her? After a few minutes of thinking a funny feeling begins in my fingertips. The feeling of my whole body starts to come back within seconds. I try to move something. "Tris?" "Tris baby it's me." My body rises a bit. My whole body tingles with pins and needles. I manage to open my eyes slightly. The light is dim but I make out the face in front of me. "T-To-Tobia-Tobiasss." My voice sounds like a whisper. Tobias' mouth meets mine. "I love you." He says as he kisses me again. "I love you too." "Tris! Tris my god your awake!" Christina comes into view as my body is lifted up and placed next to Tobias. My body feels numb but slowly everything comes back. "How long have I been out?" "I lost count." He leans his head next to mine. "You know I heard everything that happened, I was awake the whole time but couldn't speak or move or see." My eyes fall closed and I drift away.


I wake up to find the truck pull into a small camp. "Where are we?" Tobias looks over at me and smiles. "The place we are going to stay for a bit." He walks over to me and kisses my forehead.


Hey guys :) Thanks for reading!
Only one chapter left.



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