Chapter 6

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Tris POV
   Casually, I walk over to Christina, trying not to bring attention to myself.
   "Christina?" I say as I tap her shoulder.
   "Yes, how may I help you?" She says as she looks up at me.
   "Its me, Tris. Your best friend." She just stares at me.
   "I'm sorry but I think you got me confused with someone else." She says as she turns around and continues reading her book. I walk out of the library trying to hold the tears back. They got to her, she won't ever remember me. By the time I get back to the house the sky has darkened and the moon has come out. The man stands in the kitchen cooking what I assume to be dinner. I try to open the door quietly and to run upstairs before he notices, but he hears me and calls my name.
   "Hey." I say as I slowly shuffle down the stairs.
   "Hey hun! I made dinner." He says as he passes me a plate with spaghetti. I sit down and eat it so fast that I finish before he sits down to eat.
   "Wow. Apparently you were hungry." He says looking at me.
   "Yep." I say as I get up to place the plate in the sink.
   "So tomorrow I'm going to have a co-worker come over to discuss our plan for a project, is that alright hun?"
   "Sure that's fine." I say with a sweet tone in my voice.
   "Well I'm really tired so I'm heading to bed." I say already half way up the stairs. As soon as I get into the bed I'm out cold.

Next Morning

   My eyes flutter open to the dim light in the bedroom. Something catches my attention, voices, from downstairs? I sit up and run my fingers through my hair. After a few minutes I stand up and head to the bathroom. As I take a shower I realize that I'm starting to get a bump. How long have I been here? I smile but realize that someone's going to notice sooner or later, I have to hide it soon. I step out of the shower and get dressed. I still hear voices coming from downstairs so I head down there. Once I get downstairs I notice another man in the house facing away from me but I recognize the back of his head.

Thank you so much for 200 views!!! I didn't think you guys would want to read my fanfic. But thank you!



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