Chapter 36

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Tobias POV

   A long hallway of rooms appear in front of me.
   Aha here it is.
   I look through the window and only see Evelyn sitting on the bed in the corner of the room. I take the butt of my gun and jam the door open. As I open the door and walk in a cold hand finds my face and my body meets the ground.
   "Put your hands up now!" I turn my head and look up to meet Christina's stare.
   "Oh my god! Four, I'm so sorry!" She reaches her hand out and helps me up.
   "I'm so sorry I thought you were one of them."
   "It's fine." I wipe the dust off my cheek.
   "Where's everyone else?" Christina stands next to me.
   "Uriah's out there with Tris." Evelyn comes up to me and hugs me tighter than she has ever before.
   "I was so worried you were gone."
   "We need to get out of here right now, go out there and find Uriah." Christina and Evelyn run out in front of me and turn the corner. I make sure to secure the room to make it look like they are still in there.
   "Stop!" A man says behind me. I ram the gun into him knocking the wind out of him and I sprint away.
   "What took you so long?" Uriah stands up and hands Tris over to me.
   "I got stopped by a soldier but I knocked him out, we have to get out of here." The alarms continue to sound as we run in a pack formation. That's when it hits me. The chip is meant to control Divergents, but what if it could track them as well? That's how Ben found us. They were tracking the chip. The only way we can truly escape is if we take her chip out. I stop running.
   "Guys, there's one thing we need to do." Everyone turns around and comes to a stop.
   "We have to take her chip out."


Hey guys! I'd love it if you guys could check out my video edit on YouTube! I hope you all had a wonderful day :)




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