Chapter 4

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I stumbled out o the fireplace and blaise led me to a couch and sat me down, i finally started to feel the pain so i winced as i sat down and my ribs changed position. A moment later Draco came and Blaise dragged a pouf chair over to me and grabbed my foot with the cast on it "this doesnt look good" he muttered "Draco pull her top down take a look at her ribs" Blaise said and Draco did as he was told so now they saw all the bruises. "This is far beyond my expertise i should go get my mother" Blaise said then he stood up and walked up the stairs he returned moments later with his mother who had half her face made up and her hair was in curlers. "Oh Dear" she said and rushed down the stairs "what happened?" she asked "the owner of her orphanage beat her" Draco said. "Oh i really do not understand how adults can just hit children this way, they get hurt and traumatized" she said taking her wand out and i thought i saw draco and blaise exchange a look. She started to say a bunch of spells and my bruises started to heal themselves then she shoved a couple potions down my throat and i felt all better except for my foot. She shook her head "the bones are very bruised i need to remove them then regrow them is that all right?" she asked and i nodded she muttered a spell and my arm lost its bones. "Ill just go get the skele grow" she said and left "hey i should get back home we should go buy our supplies together next week?" he asked and i nodded, "Draco im really grateful that you and Blaise cared enough to visit me there and well for rescuing me" i said as he stood up to leave, he nodded then stepped to the fieplace. He was gone within a minute and then Blaise's mom came back holding a bottle she filled a beaker with this translucent liquid then she handed it to me "cheers" i said holding the cup up then i downed it. "Thats horrible" i said in a squeaky voice "well ive got a party to go to but ill stay if you would like" she said "no mother its alright you go on ill take care of Jay" Blaise said "alright well Tanya is at a friend's house and Joanne and Kathleen (sound familiar?) are at your gran's" she said and started waving her wand across her face making her makeup completely appear and her hair get curly and out of the curlers. "Goodbye you two and Blaise get her up to the Guest Room she needs to rest up" she warned and then she turned and was gone apparating probably. "Who are Tanya Joanne and Kathleen?" i asked "my sisters" he replied then he put an arm under my knees and another on my back and picked me up in a bridal carry then he started to walk up the stairs until he got to a room that on the door it said in gold cursive Guest. He kicked the door open and laid me down on the bed that had a fluffy comforter and was big my head fell on a comfortable pillow and i felt him sit down next to me "i didnt know you had sister" i said. "Well thats because their too young to go to Hogwarts so youve never met them" he said "but Tanya will be going this year now that shes 11" "how old are the other two?" i asked curiously "5 and 8" he replied. "But im not speaking about me anymore now about you for one i never knew you were an orphan so what else dont i know?" he said "ok so i grew up in that place but it used to be a good life but then they changed the owners and then it was a man his wife and daughter and thats when it started to get bad i was 8" i said. "For a little it was alright but then the man started to abuse me not the way Ms.Suzie did" i said "then he started to choke me and smack me and leave me without food for days at a time this was when i was 9, then he died and i thought everythng would be good again but i was terribly mistaken Ms.Suzie his wife started to make me clean stuff because the maid had quit at that time we had a cook a nurse a nannie and a maid but then the maid quit and so she made me clean oh she made everyone clean but mostly me since i was and always have been the oldest at that place well not when i was 4 though but still" i said. "Then her daughter Lily started to fail in school and so she made me do her homework but Lily is older than me so her homework was hard and so she kept failing and when she had to repeat a grade Ms.Suzie started to beat me she blamed me" i paused "then the nurse quit and she started to make me take care of cuts and scrapes and when a cut got infected and she had to take a child to the Hospital she beat me". "Then i became the Nanny and then the Cook she beat me when someone cried when she thought the food was bad and when i talked back or she was drunk or whenever she felt like it i finally got out of that place when Dumbledore came and told her that i was accepted to a Boarding school". "He didnt say that it was Magic no she would never had agreed even by saying Boarding school he had to confund her i only found out i was a witch until we went to buy my supplies and since then every summer has been like this although this time it was the worst" i said. "Wow all that is its terrible" he said "why didnt you tell me and draco?" he asked "because i thought you wouldnt care you are Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy the 2 best looking boys in school who only care about themselves" i said. I felt him wrap his arms around me and it took me a moment to figure out what he was doing then i realized he was hugging me "you are the only exception" he said. I smiled to myself then i fell asleep still in his arms.

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