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So then. Here goes no? What i have seen since being a watcher.

Draco and Tawny never ended up getting married because 2 years after Voldemort had been defeated, she died of Lukemia at age 16. She went peacefully but it hurt Blaise so much to see his little sister go. Draco was very upset after that but Tawny had told him to not grieve basically repeating my own words so he got back into the dating game a year and a half after she died.

Blaise and Luna married when she was 18 and he was 19, they had triplets when he was 24 and she was 23, the two boys were named Lorcan and Lysander and the girl was named Jada Zane, after me. But they're marriage didnt last too long after that. When the triplets were 5, they divorced. Blaise had been spending too much time with Draco helping out with Isabella.

Joanne married Dennis right after she graduated school. 2 years later they had their first baby, Jagger, then 3 years later they had Belle and then Blane. They had two boys and only 1 girl. They were very happy together but Dennis would get sad alot when he thought about his older brother so eventually they moved to be closer to Gigi and George.

Kat, was very much like me when she was in school, she was the only girl in her trio of Slytherins but she wasnt as slutty as me. She would flirt with boys but rarely do the deed. When she was 19 and an intern at Nott industries she met Theodore Nott and they quickly formed a relationship. After dating on and off for 4 years, they were married and 3 years later they had a beautiful baby girl that Theo decided to name Annalise, after me.

But other people werent the only ones that grew after my death. So did i.

Draco dug up my old diaries and extracted my memories from my head, and with help from people that knew me: Blaise, Draco, Professors, Teachers from when i was in muggle school, Father Angelo, George, Dumbledore's army members, and Harry. She had even found the old Orphanage owners and Lily. Hermione was able to make a biography about me going from when i was dropped off at the orphanage to the day i died. It quickly became a best seller and finally people knew who i really was.

And for the first time in my life people liked me for me!

Now then onto my daughter, Regan. As she grew she took the name Jinx instead but still knew where she came from. When she was growing up she didnt meet any kids her age, Draco was afaid of the way they'd treat her. She became a Slytherin, of course. She quickly found out how important she was in wizarding history and how important i was so she became guarded very quickly.

I didnt like the fact that she was made fun of, that she didnt trust anyone and that she didnt have any friends but there wasnt really much i could do even though it broke my heart every day. Thanfully, after Harry came to the school to talk to the kids about the history of the second wizarding war she made a few friends but not everyone liked her still.

I wont say much more about her except that she was wonderful, due to the fact that the rest.... is her own story.

This is the story of me, Jaya Annabell Weasley, formerly Riddle, formerly Smith. I went thorugh my trials, met the love of my life, went through more trials and fell in love with my soulmate. I have told you my story, if you chose to listen thank you, if not f^ck off. My time is over now, it is time for Regan's tale.

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