Chapter 44

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"AGH!!!" i screamed as i entered my room which no is not actually Draco's. "Stupid Stupid!" i yelled at myself tugging at my curls. 'How could i have let that idiot Blood Traitor get into my head?!' my brain yelled "Never again" i told my reflection in the mirror suddenly someone knocked o nym slightly open door. "WHAT?!" i yelled and guess who stood there? The Voldy Fricken Wart! "I just wanted to congratulate you on your actions tonight Jaya while we did fail to capture the boy you did do very well in taking action when those idiot fools couldnt" he said and i bowed with a smirk "Thank you Father. It must run in the family" i said and he laughed. "Now then we have another meeting tomorrow early in the morning for now i have business to attend to" his eyes got a dark glimmer in them at the end of his sentence. I bowed and he left the room.

I stayed glued to the spot for a few more minutes thinking about everything then finally i went to bed and fell asleep without even taking my clothes off.

THe Next morning Draco woke me up and we went to the meeting. THis time they were planning some big hit onto the Ministry For Magic. I listened intently though this time no matter how much i begged and pleaded they would not let me join in.

So then a few weeks later me and Draco were stuck at the manor playing Exploding Snape alone while the adults went out and tried to overtake the Ministry. Near Midnight my mother's silver snake Patronus slitehred up to us "It is done! We win!" it said in her cruel laughter filled voice. And now i know me and Draco shouldve been happy because of this but we werent we jsut stood there shocked an then Draco sort of turned to look at me and a singel tear escaped his eyes and his mouth opened ever so slightly "theres no hope" he said softly and barely audibly...

That night we had to endure hours and hours of celibration that the Death Eaters brought about though i put on a crazy face and went out with my mother we shot things and blew things up, we tortured innocent people and she killed a few even. It was all part of their sick aact of celebration.

Then there was the drinking oh so much drinking! For once in my life i wished i couldnt hold my liqour so i could just pass out and wake up to a normal world!

The worst however was for Draco. His Father took him out and they went to a brothel were they apparently r^ped and beat women without Draco even havign a say. They came home a few days later and Draco's eyes were a mess of red and puffyness his face and body was bruised probably he didnt want to hurt people and his father hurt him instead. I dont regret at all what i did then at all infact i wish i wouldve done so earlier. I strode over to tehm and pusehd Draco away then i threw Lucius up against the wall and took out my wand sticing it righ tup there to his throat and shook him "If you ever ever lay a single finger on Draco again i will make what you did to me seem like baby sh!+" i hissed in a tone to beat Snape's "Understand?" i asked then i threw him to the wall "I SAID UDNERSTAND?!" i yelled in his ear and he nodded tears in his eyes then i threw him on to the floor and went to Draco. "Are you okay?" i asked putting my hands to the side of his face and making him face me, he nodded tears in his eyes then he wrapped his arms around me and cried into my shoulder. "Come on" i said and helped him steady himself "lets go to your room" i said and pulled him up the grand stairs and into his room then to his bed. I took his shoes off and pulled off his jacket then i took my own shoes off and we both snuggled together under the covers him crying into my shoulder and telling me about what had happened. I told him what had happened with me too though i was stronger than him he knew that and i could take it.

Soon though he fell asleep in my arms and i curled myself against him and fell asleep too. We were in this together. We were the yougnest Death Eaters ever but i felt worse for him because they wouldnt take it easy onhim for his parents on teh contrary theyd hate him more.

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