Chapter 16

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~Authors: this chapter might seem a bit rushed because i have a really good thing planned but i dont really know how to add up to that moment again i must remind my readers i am only 12~~

The rest of the summer was spent annoying Estefano and avoiding chores which was pretty easy since we got the room in the Attic. Tawny would come upstairs with us and she would also avoid them so the parents ended up doing the chores welll only Estefano because Mrs.Zabini just tanned. Soon though it was time to get back to school and the day we went back i woke up earlly and got dressed in then we went to the Station. Me Blaise and Draco got a compartment to ourselves and ofcourse Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle joined us afterwards. I put my feet up on blaise's lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist and we started to talk while Draco talked with his Chumps and Pansy tried to get in on their conversation. "Blaise!" Pansy whined "yes Pansy?" he asked very much annoyed taking his hands off my waist "talk to me! Im bored!" she whined "well then go shag something and let me talk to my boyfriend" i said and took his hands back on my waist while everyone laughed. She huffed then left and we broke out into fits of laughter.

Soon we reached the school and me and Blaise had to separate to put our robes on then we held hands as we walked to the school. Dumbledore said his usual speech ending in us having a new DADA teacher Professor Umbridge. She said this really stupid little speech and then she said that it was happy to see our bright smiling faces yeah as if, no one was smiling. Finally after what seemed like hours the food appeared "Finally im starved" Goyle said "you and Crabbe are always hungry" i said laughing "are not' Crabbe said "are too" i said we started to argue a basic back and forth of 'are not's and 'are too's until Draco got too tired of it. "ALL RIGHT YOU TWO GITS SHUT IT" He roared making me glare "watch your language towards my girlfriend Malfoy" Blaise warned playfully "well these to are giving me a headache just each your dam food already" Draco said. The feast was delicious but just as we were exitinig with Blaise having his arm wrapped around me when Professor Snape stepped in our way "Ms.Smith, Mr.Malfoy Professor Dumbledore asked me to escort you two to his office so if youll please follow me" he said. "Ill meat you in the common room later k babe?" i asked Blaise, he nodded and pecked me on the lips then i followed Snape and he, Crabbe and Goyle went to the dungeons. As we reached a stone gargoyle Snape said "lemon drop" and it moved to reveal a moving staircase "muggle much?" i asked receiving a glare from Snape and Draco both "fine no humor i get it" i mumbled. We walked up the stairs and soon reached a pheonix knocker (i think) before Snape could extend a hand however Dumbledore's voice said "Come in" and Snape guided us inside. "Please take a seat" Dumbledore told us "thank you Severus" he said and Snape nodded then left the room. "Would you like a Butterbeer, Tea?" he asked "how about a Fire whisky?" Draco asked i kicked him "ill have a Butterbeer please" i said with a small smile. He waved his wand and three butterbeers appeared. I took a sip then looked at Dumbledore "so why are we here?" i asked raising an eyebrow "well i was never one to beat around the bush so ill go on with it" he said "now you know your parents were Death eaters?" he asked and i nodded. "But you dont know who they are?" he asked and i nodded obviously like "well they are Bellatrix Lestrange" me and Draco both dropped our bottles with a loud crash they hit the floor "and" i prompted "Tom Riddle or as you know him-" before he could continue i fell backwards on my chair and blacked out.

A few minutes later i woke up and sat back on my chair "i think you over reacted" Draco mumbled "say that again and your dead even though you might be my cousin- Holy... YOUR MY COUSIN" i said. "And we made out" Draco said "EWWWW" we said at the same time "now now i understand this might be a bit overwhelming so i would like to ask you not to tell anyone but the people you trust completely" he said "because we think that poisoning last year might have been Crouch's failed attempt to form contact between you and your father" he said and i nodded. "Also that burning sensation on your arm is probably the fact that a dark mark is slowly building onto your arm" he said and i nodded again then i stood up and pinched Draco on the back so he stood up aswell. "W-well we should probably get going Blaise'll be wondering were we are" i said and he stood up and waved us out the door when we had gotten down to the hallway and we were walking back to our common room i finally broke down. I fell down on the floor and started to cry "my dad is the Dark Lord and my boyfriend is neutral" i said between sobs "i know cous its still hard on me and hes only my best mate and my dad is Lucius Maloy" he said and patted my back. "Ill have to break up with him now wont i?" i asked "its your choice" he said "i mean i dont want him to end up getting hurt because of me but i love him and well the shags are great" i said. "TMI man TMI" he said and i giggled "i really love him" i whispered.

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